  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 范錚強


數位科技與網際網路的快速發展,使得各類數位化的著作品,更容易在網路上流通與取得。而下載或拷貝未經授權的音樂,不但造成嚴重的盜版問題,同時對音樂產業造成非常大的衝擊。尤其台灣的光碟代工技術及產能均領先國際,使得光碟燒錄機相關設備非常普及,對盜版問題更是雪上加霜。因此,本研究擬透過計畫行為理論及認同理論來探討青少年的音樂盜版及唱片購買行為意圖,並了解「偶像崇拜」及「唱片價格」在音樂盜版行為中所扮演的角色。 本研究屬實徵性研究,研究方法與設計以隨機抽樣方式對台北市西門町13至21歲之青少年進行問卷調查。問卷共發出350份,有效回收樣本為305份,樣本回收率為87%。 經過資料分析,個人對於拷貝或下載音樂之整體態度越正向、主觀規範越強、外部控制程度越高,則拷貝或下載音樂之行為意圖越高。然而,拷貝或下載音樂之行為意圖並不必然與購買正版唱片之行為意圖相關。此外,本研究亦同時探討不同程度的偶像崇拜及對唱片價格的認知,是否會影響青少年盜版行為及購買行為之間的關係。分析結果顯示,拷貝或下載音樂之行為意圖與購買所崇拜偶像之唱片意圖的關係,不會因為偶像崇拜程度高低或是對正版唱片價格的認知差異,而有顯著的不同。本研究更進一步進行探索性的集群分析,以便了解不同偶像崇拜程度與唱片價格認知之群組,在下載或拷貝行為意圖與購買行為意圖關係上的差異。探索性分析結果發現,在「忠實粉絲」及「有購買力者」群組中,下載或拷貝行為意圖與購買行為意圖之間的關係分別為負向及正向。根據上述實徵資料的分析結果,本研究提出實務上的管理意涵及對後續研究方向之建議。


As the information technology develops rapidly, the pirate problem has been addressed by several researchers and practitioners. It is quite harmful to music industry that people can easily download and copy unauthorized music files in mp3 format through connecting to pervasive Internet. Especially in Taiwan, this problem goes from bad to worse due to the popularization of CD burners and other computerize equipments. Accordingly, the major purpose of this study is to investigate people’s pirate intentions and music records buying intentions by employing the theory of planned behavior and identification theory. Besides, idolatry and music records price are also hypothesized to have significant effects on an individual’s pirate behavior in this study. This study proposes an empirical model and collects data through a questionnaire design. Analyses are based on data collected from 305 respondents who are from North Taiwan and between 13 and 21 years old. Results are presented in four areas as follows. First, when an individual has more positive attitude toward pirate, he will be more likely to download or copy unauthorized music. Besides, as suggested by theory of planned behavior, our results also support the positive relationship between two variables-subjective norm and external control-and pirate intention. Second, there is no significant relationship between an individual’s pirate intention and music records buying intentions. Third, results indicate that the relationship between an individual’s pirate intention and music records buying intentions is still not moderated by his idolatry and perception about music records price. In order to clarify the relationship between these two intentions, we perform an exploratory cluster analysis on idolatry and price. This exploratory analysis leads to our final area of results, which indicates the relationship between an individual’s pirate intention and music records buying intentions is negative and positive in “fans group” and “possessing purchasing power group” respectively. These findings and their implications are also discussed.


3. 朱龍祥 (1997),流行歌曲歌迷與偶像崇拜的行為與心理觀察,高雄醫學院行為科學研究所碩士論文。
7. 林兆衛 (2001),台北都會區青少年偶像崇拜文化之研究,國立臺灣師範大學教育研究所碩士論文。
12. 張智雅 (1999),偶像崇拜與青少年認同---以台灣流行音樂歌迷為例,慈濟醫學院社工所碩士論文。
13. 張智雅 (2000),偶像崇拜與青少年認同--以台灣流行音樂歌迷為例,慈濟醫學院社會工作所碩士論文。
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