  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 何應欽


汽車製造公司與零件供應商間,若對零件之運輸欠缺整體之規劃與前瞻性發展之探討,將影響整體的物流成本。本研究即針對汽車製造公司,為提昇市場競爭力,所導入的新看板系統進行探討,其目標是藉物流交貨作業的改善,以降低成本、提升品質、增進生產效率,進而改善企業的體質。 本研究經由實證研究,將個案公司導入E看板系統的改善模式之經驗以及關鍵成功因素加以整理,並分別對日後看板系統的管理實務及後續的研究方向提出建議。茲將本研究的貢獻概述如下: • 以後補充的看板生產系統,經此研究整理後,可提供電子化看板的特性及建立的方式,以解決傳統生產方式管理上的困難點,讓生產管理單純化與效率化。 • 為了要實證新的作業方式在實務運用上的效益,以中心廠及協力廠的運作方式說明,也驗證其方式也可用於一般傳統產業的協力廠商。 • 電子化的應用有助於庫存的總量能夠控制與管理,使庫存量維持一定,並可容易看出物流交貨進度的狀況。 •本研究並提供相關產業,對於後拉式看板制度新型態應用方式之參考。


JIT 看板 豐田生產系統 TPS


Among the automobile manufacturers and component suppliers, if short of the planning of perspective development to the supply chain management system, will influence the logistics costs. This research is to discuss the manufacturing company of the automobile how to achieve lower costs, improve quality, promoting production efficiency by the improvement of new kanban system. The research also proves new kanban system’s efficiency with the example of automobile manufacturer. No matter stock reduced, production arrangement and parts shortage, the approaches display obvious benefits. Sum up the contribution of this research as follows now: 1. The research can offer the characteristic of the new kanban system and its setting-up way, solving the problems of traditional kanban system, let the production management be simple and efficient. 2. New kanban system proves a way that it can work in component suppliers of general traditional industry. 3. The application can be controlled and managed while contributing to the total amount held in store, keep sure to make in the storehouse amount, and can be apt to find out that deliver the state of the progress in logistics. 4. It worth to offer to the related industry reference.


JIT Toyota production system Kanban TPS


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5.Goldhar, D. Y. and Stamm, C. L. (1991). The Just-In-Time Philosophy: A Literature Review. International Journal of Production Research, 29(4), pp.657-676.
6.Karen L. Brown, R. Anthony Inman (1993). Relationship with vendors: a critical factor in JIT implementation, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing Volume: 8 Number: 1.
7.Kim, T.M (1985). Just-in-Time Manufacturing System: A Periodic Pull System, Int. J. of Prod. Res., 23, 3, pp. 553-562
9.Monden, Y. (1993). Toyota production system: An integrated approach to JIT (2nd Ed.). Norcross, GA: Institute of Industrial Engineering.


