  • 學位論文


Construction and Transformation of Chinese Buddhist Scripture Translation Discourse

指導教授 : 萬金川


在漢地佛經翻譯史上,有個有趣的現象,就是長期以來極為仰賴西來的譯人為主要的翻譯動力,但翻譯理論卻往往由漢地僧侶所提出。 通常理論的提出多具有反省批判、規範指導的作用,但佛經翻譯史上這樣的奇特情況,不免讓人思考這些漢地僧侶是以何種角度、立場來提出他們對翻譯的見解,同時又在何種文化條件等背景下展開他們的理論? 本論文選擇了支謙、道安、鳩摩羅什、彥琮、玄奘等五人作為主要的討論對象,透過相關僧傳以及經序的整理,嘗試了解這些漢地的論者如何建立起對翻譯的了解與認知,他們當時面臨何種處境,才提出如斯的觀點來加以應對,而這樣的翻譯論述又呈現出何等的新面貌,是否對後來的譯經操作產生影響。 透過這一系列的討論,可以明白促成他們翻譯觀點成型的原因,多來自他們閱讀譯本後的啟發、譯場組織的參與,以及改革佛教學術環境的企圖。 同時這些乍看只是翻譯批評的內容,其實仍具有實質性的指導作用,而其除了影響翻譯實踐、譯場組織的重整外,更對過去舊有的翻譯進行了汰選的作用。


There is an interesting phenomenon in the history of Buddhist scripture translation, which the Chinese translations were strongly depended upon translators from west Asia; the translation theories, however, were usually raised by Chinese monks. Generally, theories are advanced for purposes such as reflecting, criticizing, or conducting over the existing phenomena. But the case of Buddhist scripture translation makes people wonder about what angle, what point of view did they raise their understanding to the translation texts? And under what kind of culture backgrounds did they expand their theories? This thesis bases its arguments mainly upon Zhi Qian, Dao An, Kumara Jiva, Yan Cong, and Xuanzang. Through their autobiographies and the introductions of the Buddhist scriptures they wrote, the thesis tries to analyze how these Chinese translators construct their understanding base on the scriptures. And under what kind of circumstances did they raise their reflections to the previous translation versions. Further more, what kind of new atmosphere did they give to the translation discourse and whether did they influence the succeeding translations. Through a series of discussions, we can see that the elements that form their translation theories were usually derived from three sources: the inspiration they acquired from the translation texts, the participation of the Buddhist translation centres, and the aspiration of innovating Buddhist academia. What they wrote may seemed only translation critiques, but they indeed functioned as real guidance to translators at the time. In addition to influencing practical translation and reforming translation centres, they even helped process the selection of the former translation texts.




