  • 學位論文

半導體設備供應商因應景氣循環之關鍵成功 因素及競爭策略之研究-以個案公司為例

The Study of Key Success Factors and Competitive Strategy adapting Business Cycle-A Case Study of Equipment Supplier

指導教授 : 李小梅


全球化所帶來的產業分工與結構的快速改變,使得台灣的半導體產業成為高科技產業發展的成功典範,更是帶動經濟持續成長的動力。二十餘年來,從技術的引進、生根,到今天全面的蓬勃發展,從設計、製造、測試、封裝完整的生產體系,已創造出高額的產值與精良的品質。特別是新竹科學園區的管理模式和晶圓代工的商業模式,已成為亞太地區眾多新興國家競而仿效的對象。 本研究旨在探討高資本、高技術密集的半導體設備產業,於景氣循環劇烈變遷下,設備業者如何持續創新商業模式以維持企業的競爭優勢。本研究以國外半導體設備商為研究對象,探討所倡導的「可變的商業模式(Variable Business Model)」,結合相關文獻探討、理論分析與個案創新之洞見,並依此分析架構深入探討個案公司的關鍵成功因素,歸納整理出對個案公司的建議,並做為國內相關業者的參考。 研究結果發現,非核心外包策略和專注自身核心能力是半導體設備產業創新的重要構面。誠如個案公司的總裁兼營運長指出,對於大型的設備供應商來說,求生存並不是真正的問題,真正的問題乃是如何使成功的模式能夠有效的貫穿景氣循環。如何能在景氣低迷時依然能確保盈餘?如何能在景氣高峰時有效的掌控利潤?從商業模式的角度去思考,設備供應商的策略必須從歷史軌跡、資本密集的成本結構去思考一個能提供長遠可變動的成本結構。 本研究歸納整理出「改造企業的體質與組織結構展現管理績效」、「非核心的委外服務策略掌握成本的優勢」、「專注核心能力創造企業競爭優勢」、「新的商業模式能有效因應景氣循環與掌握市場需求」及「虛擬工廠(Virtual Manufacturing)的外包策略產生綜效」等五項為個案公司主要的關鍵成功因素。 半導體設備業者,必須衡量自身的優勢和產業的現實面,尋求創新的商業模式,除了因應產業的景氣循環外,更重要的是專注自身的核心競爭優勢。


Globalization has rapidly transformed the labor outsourcing strategy and framework of the manufacturing industry, which Taiwan semiconductor production has demonstrated and developed as the success story of the High-Tech industry that continuously drives the economic growth. In the past two decades, Taiwan has transformed from relying on importing and adopting technology from the outside to being self sufficient in integrated system production starting from design and manufacturing to testing and packing, and meanwhile achieving both higher profitability and quality. Most notably, the successful management model of SBIP in Hsin-Chu and the foundry business model for making IC have become great examples for the emerging countries in Asia Pacific. The primary purpose of this research is to understand how the high capital cost of the high-tech semiconductor equipment manufacturing continuously innovate to maintain competitive edge through the various business cycles. Using a global semiconductor equipment company which follows the variable business model as the subject of this study, combining with the relevant literatures of the field as the theoretical basis to establish analysis structure and generalize the key success factors, this paper will provide personal suggestions and proposals for the company and the relative industries in Taiwan. The research reveals that non-core outsourcing with focus on core competence is the most important factor for wafer fabrication equipment. The president & chief operation officer of the subject, “For the larger equipment suppliers, survival is not the real issue. The real issue is how to optimize our success throughout the cycles. How do we ensure that we can remain profitable, even at the bottom of the downturns? How can we optimize our profitability during the upturns? From a business-model perspective, equipment suppliers must move from the historical, capital-intensive cost structure to one that provides a far more variable cost structure.”


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