  • 學位論文

探討線上英語活動對英語學習成效之影響 -利用多媒體註記工具促進英語寫作與口說

Exploring the effects of learning performance in web-based English activities - Using multimedia annotations tool to facilitate the English writing and speaking

指導教授 : 黃武元


個人在英語聽、說、讀、寫上的實際能力與其個人的工作及成就是有關的,在英語學習的課堂中,聽、說、讀、寫四種技能的練習與應用都應該受到重視。在這裡,我們設計以語言產出能力(productive skills)為導向及有趣性(Playfulness)的英語學習活動,結合兩個重要的概念,設計七個線上英語活動。根據以產出能力為導向的英語學習活動的需要,在工具上,我們提供了虛擬筆系統(VPen),其為結合了聽、說、讀、寫四個面項的教學工具,讓學生可以任意的在課程活動網頁上進行寫作及口說活動。利用圖片取代文字,增加學習的有趣性及擴充學生的想像力,希望能營造真正使用英語的學習情境,提高學生在英語學習上的內在動機,使學生能更踴躍的主動參與學習。研究目的為探討學習者在學習英語的過程中,對於活動及使用工具的認知,包括對於工具的認知易用性、認知有用性和對活動的認知有用性及認知有趣性,與使用態度之間的影響,希望進一歩釐清如此以語言產出能力(productive skills)為導向及有趣性(Playfulness)的英語活動是否能提升學習者的英語學習成效。 本研究為期四個月,以問卷調查方式及系統數據進行統計分析來探討研究變數「VPen易用性」、「VPen有用性」、「活動有用性」、「活動有趣性」對於「VPen使用態度」的影響及「VPen使用態度」、「實際使用量」、「說寫表現」及「學習成效」之間的關係。研究結果發現在電腦輔助語言學習的計設上,除了工具是影響使用者使用態度的因素之外,活動及教材本身的設計也是重要的影響因素;另外,本研究的活動強調的語言產出能力彼此之間有顯著的相互關係,其中互動式練習可以引發學生在語言產出能力上有更好的表現。這樣的學習活動及工具的搭配,使得學生於活動中的語言產出能力與後測學習成效呈顯著正相關。


The individual''s capabilities in English listening, speaking, reading and writing are related to his or her own efforts and achievements, and the four skills should be taken seriously in the English classroom. Therefore, we designed a language productive skills oriented and included playfulness in English learning activities, combinied with two important concepts to design seven on-line English activities. In this study, we provided a Virtual Pen system (VPen), integrated with listening, speaking, reading and writing four items of teaching tools and allowed students to arbitrary in the course website for writing and speaking. Using pictures substitute as words to increase the interests of the students’ imagination in English learning. We hope to create a real English-use environment and raise students’ inherent motivation in English learning. This study considers the four factors: perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived usefulness of activity, playfulness anxiety as independent variables to analyze the relationship with the acceptance attitude and comprehends the relationship between the seven English activities on-line with VPen and the achievements to English learning. The results improve our understanding of using computer assist English learning in addition to tools, the material and activity are important factors whether a user will accept the product. In addition, the language productive skills that writing and speaking are among significant relationship and interactive exercises which can excite students’ performance of writing and speaking better.


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