  • 學位論文


In the different level of product involvement, the effect of endorser type and endorser credibility on consumer’s perceived risk, perceived quality and search cost.

指導教授 : 張東生


利用廣告代言人來代言產品就是相當常見的行銷手法,因為使用廣告代言人作為與消費者溝通的橋樑,除了可以讓消費者快速認識產品外,更可以藉由廣告代言人的推薦及背書,提高品牌的辨識度及不同於其他品牌的獨特性,進而提升產品的廣告效果並強化產品在消費者心中的正面印象。本研究主要是欲探討廣告代言人類型的不同及其可信度在高低不同的狀況下,對於消費者在知覺風險、知覺品質及搜尋成本的影響,並考慮在不同產品涉入情境下所造成的變化。 結果發現不同類型的廣告代言人及代言人可信度高低會對消費者知覺風險、知覺品質及搜尋成本產生顯著影響。 而考慮不同產品涉入程度的影響下,當消費者面對高產品涉入程度的產品,若產品的廣告代言人為專家,則消費者在面對產品所產生的知覺風險及搜尋成本會比名人型代言人來的低;而在知覺品質的部分,專家型代言人對於提高消費者面對高產品涉入程度的產品時所感受到的知覺品質也比名人型代言人來的好。而當消費者在面對低產品涉入程度的產品,專家型代言人與名人型代言人對於消費者在知覺風險、知覺品質及搜尋成本上的影響效果並沒有顯著的差異,即表示此兩類型的廣告代言人對於消費者知覺是沒有顯著差異的。 但以代言人可信度的觀點來看,不論是在高或低的產品涉入情境下,高代言人可信度對於消費者產品的知覺風險及搜尋成本都會比低可信度代言人來得低;而在知覺品質的部分,高可信度代言人對於提高消費者知覺品質的影響效果也比低代言人可信度來得好。


Using spokesman to endorse product is a common marketing tactic, because the advertising spokesman communicated with consumers. Besides spokesman can made consumer know the product quickly, spokesman also can improve the uniqueness of brand, advertising effect of the product and strengthen the positive impression of consumers. This research wants to discuss the effect of endorser type and credibility credibility on consumer’s perceived risk, perceived quality and search cost and think about the different level of product involvement. The research finds the endorser type and the level of the endorser credibility will influence significantly the consumer’s perceived risk, perceived quality and search cost. And think about the influence of different product involvement, when consumers face the product of high involvement and if its spokesman is an expert, the comsumers’ perceived risk and search cost of the product will be lower than if the spokesman is a celebrity. In enhaning the perceived quality of the product, the endorsement of expert is better than the endorsement of celebrity. And when consumers face the product of low involvement, the endorsement of expert and celebrity don’t influence significantly consumers’ perceived risk, perceived quality and search cost of product. But as the point of the level of the endorser cedibility, the reaearch finds that no matter what the level of the product involvement, the effect of reducing comsumers’ perceived risk and search cost of the product and enhancing the perceived quality of the product, the high endorser credibility is better than the low endorser credibility.


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