  • 學位論文


The Design Methodology of Laddar Layout in FMS

指導教授 : 何應欽


設施規劃之績效與工廠產能之間具有高度關聯性。設施規劃即是將空間中所存在之各項設施進行佈置,以期達到有效之生產佈置方式。在許多設施規劃相關之文獻中,大部分研究皆針對線性佈置與封閉迴圈佈置進行研究,相較之下,過去在梯式佈置上的相關研究並不豐富,但梯式佈置之變化與彈性皆較線性佈置與封閉迴圈佈置為佳,同時也較開放式佈置形式易於規劃,因此本研究希望針對梯式佈置建立一套系統化之設計方式,以期有效利用此佈置形式之優勢,達到更有效率之設施佈置規劃。 本研究主要目的是在彈性製造系統環境下,將所需配置的機器依照梯式設施佈置之形式進行排列,並達到機器間總流量距離最小化之目標。本研究首先將此問題分成三大階段進行解題:在第一階段時,本研究應用過去使用在群組技術中單元設計的相關係數法(similarity coefficient method),利用四種相關係數與三種聚群演算法來找出機器分群之初始解之後,再使用模擬退火法改善初始解;第二階段則利用各階層間所屬之機器流量,來估算出階層間的流量表,再利用流線分析法(FLA;flow line analysis)所發展出來的三種啟發式演算法,得到階層相對位置排列之初始解,最後利用模擬退火法來加以改善,以期達到近似最佳解或最佳解;在第三階段中,本研究利用數學規劃模式,將各機器在其所屬階層中之位置進行調整,以達到最佳之機器位置。本研究將採用四種不同環境條件進行實驗,以了解使用不同方法所得到的結果表現與績效,並將各種方法與隨機方法進行比較。


In the past, most of the research in facility layout was focus on the closed-loop layout and linear layout. There was few study focus on “ladder layout,” even it is also one of the popular layout types in FMS. Therefore, a systematical procedure of building up the ladder layout is proposed in this study. In the first stage, the similarity coefficient method is used to find out the best result of machine grouping. In the second stage, this study uses the technique of the flow line analysis, FLA, to arrange the machine groups. Then, a mathematic model is proposed to adjust the final I/O point location of the every machine in its ladder level. In the end of the first two stages, the simulated annealing, SA, is introduced to improve the initial solution of each stage. There are four similarity coefficients and three clustering algorithms in the first stage and three heuristics in the second stage. All the combinations of the methods are experimented in four kinds of environment to show its performance and compared with the random method.


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