  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃同圳


目前就業市場普遍存在以下三種現象:1.學校教育與企業的斷層,促使企業提供教育訓練的重要性提升;2.員工對企業忠誠度稍嫌不足,工作態度不如以往;3.國人每月薪資收入調升速度趕不上物價浮動速度。由於以上三種現象,更突顯教育訓練、工作態度,以及薪資收入對國人的重要性。 本研究透過大樣本進行教育訓練、工作態度,以及薪資收入的關聯性探討,並運用SPSS及LISREL統計軟體進行整體架構探討,藉此了解國內勞工參與教育訓練的時數及類型;驗證員工參與教育訓練與其專業能力、工作態度之間是否具有顯著正向關係,俾企業能確認教育訓練所帶來的效益;探討員工參與教育訓練與其每月平均薪資收入之間的關係,並瞭解影響員工薪資收入的可能因素。 本研究結果發現:1.電腦及外語的教育訓練日漸普及;2.教育訓練項目多元性的重要性高於教育訓練時數長度;3.員工參與教育訓練確實可提高其專業能力;4.員工須對教育訓練制度感到滿意才能提高其工作態度;5.員工參與教育訓練對其薪資收入確實有正面影響,平均多參加一項訓練項目可提高約1500元的收入;6.專業能力、工作態度、工作表現三者關係密切;7.影響薪資收入之因素相當多元,又以參與教育訓練為最快達成效者;8.人口統計變相影響力不容小覷,企業日後推行制度時也應同時考量。


There are three phenomenons in our labor market: 1.What we learn from school can not match the market’s needs, so we need to improve emloyees’ ability by training. 2. Yonunger employees’ working attitudes are not as well as the older. 3. The climbing speed of labor’s real wage cannot cathch up with the speed of Consumer Price Index. Form these phenomeons, we know the impotance of trainig, working attitude and real wage to our labors. We use SPSS and LISREL to: 1. Know how long and what types of training that our labors accept. 2. Test if employees accept more taining can lead bettr working abilities and attitudes. 3. Know the relationship between training and wage, and know what may influence the wage of employees. What we find are as follows: 1. Computer and foreign language traingings are more and more diffusive. 2. Multi-dimension training is more important than the length of time. 3. Training can lead better working abilities. 4. Employees must be satisfied with the training programs then they will improve their working attitudes. 5. Training can lead more wages of employees. 6. Tight relationship among ability, attitude and performance.7.Many factors can influence tha amount of wage. 8. Demographic factors are very important.


Wage Attitude Ability Training LISREL


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張嗣武(2014)。教育訓練滿意度與組織承諾關聯性之研究- 以環境工程業員工為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2014.00859
