  • 學位論文


The Design and Improvement of Compliant Hexapod Robot

指導教授 : 鍾鴻源




The purpose of this paper is to design and to improve the Compliant Hexapod Robot. It is expected that the proposed Hexapod Robot can provide better performance. The developed robot system is based on the Compliant Hexapod Robot. This scheme can help robot move on the rough landforms. The structure of the Compliant Hexapod Robot system consists of DC-motors, compliant legs, motor driving circuit and controller system. In this paper, we will apply the distributed controllers to accomplish the hexapod robot. This control scheme can reduce the complexity of the structure, and enhance the stability of the system. In addition, the experiments include ambulating, turning, passing through the grass and crossing the obstacle to test performances of the robot. In this study, we provide a development platform of a Compliant Hexapod Robot. This development platform will give a lot of assistance in planning new gait and movement.


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