  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Data Warehouse System Implementation

指導教授 : 周惠文


為因應管理階層的決策資訊需求,企業需要建置分析資料的平台,以支援管理階層的決策資訊需求。在企業中建置資料倉儲系統已成為企業繼ERP之後資訊化發展的趨勢,而資料倉儲也成為企業提高競爭優勢的代名詞。 一個成功的資料倉儲系統建置,將可幫助企業中決策管理階層運用整合的數位資訊,提昇其分析與決策的能力與速度,進而創造企業整體的商業智慧。本研究以一個塑膠業真實個案為研究對象,從系統發展生命週期出發,定義舊系統問題癥結、資訊部門人力配置與使用者需求所在,針對資料倉儲所引進建構模式、技術、方法與工具加以探討,從系統建置中獲得資料倉儲在產業應用的實務經驗及建置成功相關因素;並由系統上線後對其管理階層、資訊部門及一般使用者帶來了哪些衝擊及改變,作一建置實務及效益分析探討。


In order to accommodate to the management''s information requirements for decision-making and elevate competitiveness for an enterprise, the enterprise needs to establish a platform for analyzing data to support the management''s demands for decision-making information. To establish the Data Warehouse system for an enterprise has become a trend of information development after the implementation of ERP. The Data Warehouse system itself has also become an indication of enhancing competitive advantage for an enterprise. A successful establishment of the Data Warehouse system could help the enterprise decision-making management use the integrated digital information to improve its ability and speed of analyzing and making decisions, and therefore to create the business intelligence for the whole enterprise. This study is based on a real case in plastic industry, covering the development of system life cycle, identifying the crucial problems of old system, manpower of information department and user requirements. Probes into the construction models, techniques, methods and tools inducted by the Data Warehouse system, and summarizes the practical experiences about the industrial application of the Data Warehouse system and related factors of successful implementation of the system through the establishment of which. The study also analyzes and treats the practicability and efficiency of the establishment according to the impacts and variations brought to the management, information department and end users after the system going live.


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