  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Influence of Factors on the Intention to Engage in Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) Communication

指導教授 : 謝依靜


網際網路的出現與快速發展,提供消費者一個新的途徑,來獲得眾多各式各樣關於產品、服務或企業的資訊,同時也讓他們得以和全世界各地的消費者分享與交換彼此的消費經驗。電子化口碑,或稱為網路口碑,係由傳統以面對面、口語形式進行的口碑傳播衍生而來,不同於傳統口碑傳播,網路口碑是以電子化書面的形式進行,包含了文字、圖片、聲音或影像。如同傳統口碑傳播一般,網路口碑有著強大的行銷力量,能夠顯著影響消費者的喜好態度和購買決策。有鑑於此,本研究試圖探究促進或抑制消費者進行網路口碑行為之意圖的可能因素為何。 從先前口碑傳播、社會交換理論、知識分享等研究領域的文獻回顧當中,本研究找出六個可能影響網路口碑意圖之因素:產品涉入、自我提升、互惠性、幫助他人、任務困難度以及編輯所需努力。本研究從文獻回顧中產生研究假說,採用調查法,透過網路問卷以及實體問卷來蒐集樣本資料,研究母體為擁有網路口碑行為經驗的消費者,並使用SPSS、LISREL等軟體來進行信度、效度分析以及複迴歸分析,以驗證本研究提出的理論模型和研究假說。 研究結果顯示產品涉入、自我提升、互惠性與幫助他人對於網路口碑意圖有著正面的影響,而編輯所需努力對於網路口碑意圖有著負面的影響。除此之外,任務複雜度對於網路口碑意圖的影響並不顯著。本研究的結果與先前傳統口碑在動機探究的研究結果相呼應,並將互惠性與編輯所需努力在社會交換與知識分享領域的應用,延伸到網路口碑傳播。


意圖 口碑傳播 網路口碑


The advent of the Internet has provided consumers with an alternative to access numerous information regarding products, services, or firms, as well as an opportunity to share their consumption-related experiences with other consumers all over the world. Derived from the traditional face-to-face, oral word-of-mouth (WOM) communication, a new electronic form, eWOM, is still being viewed as a powerful marketing force and plays a persuasive role in influencing consumers’ attitudes and purchase decision. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to explore the possible factors that may facilitate or may restrain consumers’ desires to engage in WOM communication in the computer-mediated Internet environment. Reviewing prior research on WOM, social exchange theory and knowledge sharing, six factors, product involvement, self-enhancement, reciprocity, helping others, task difficulty and codification effort, are conducted in the research. Hypotheses are tested using a sample of 906 consumers collected from major BBS and discussion forums in Taiwan. The resulting analysis shows that product involvement, self-enhancement, reciprocity and helping others are positively associated with eWOM intention, while codification effort would reduce the intention for engaging in eWOM. Moreover, task difficulty shows no significant influence on eWOM intention. Further discussion and managerial implications are presented.


WOM intention eWOM


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