  • 學位論文


Development of a Gamed-Based Learning System for Enhancing Learner''s Motivation and Self-Perception in Energy Education

指導教授 : 楊接期


能源教育在過去的研究及調查中,多發現其知識性的目標雖有達到,但卻沒成正比的反應在能源消耗的減少上。其一部份的原因是因為消費者對於自己能做到多少、該如何做到,以個人的力量幫助減少能源的使用量,並不夠清楚,且也沒有足夠的動機促使他們去做。因此,本研究以情境式學習的概念結合數位遊戲式學習,開發出一以寵物的飼養為遊戲內容,節約能源為遊戲的目標之遊戲系統,利用遊戲可帶來的強大學習動機,以及與學習者過去的生活經驗相當的情境,以「做中學」的概念及方式來習得對於節約能源的實作知識,並帶起學習者對於能源議題的社會意識。本研究中並以碩士班研究生為對象進行實驗,以評估系統所帶來的影響。實驗中以實驗研究法中的單組前後測以及單組後測,求得學習者在能源議題自我覺知、學習動機、未來節能行為意願、系統評鑑等不同方面的結果。經分析問卷、錄影,及遊戲過程中的行為之後,得出結論如下:  1. 本數位遊戲式學習系統的確有助於提升學習者的動機  2. 本數位遊戲式學習系統有助於提昇能源議題的自我覺知  3. 本數位遊戲式學習系統有助於學習者改變未來節約能源的意願及方式


In the previous study and research of energy education, we found the target of delivery common knowledge about energy crisis, how energy was being used, how could it produced, how many types of energy etc, was usually achieved, but the real fact is there is no significant decreased usage of energy consumption. One of the reasons is that the consumer is not really understood how one could help to save energy, and lack of the motivation; the most importantly, they don''t even know how to do it. Therefore, in this study we will present a game-based learning system based on a context of situated learning to motivate learner and bring about the socially conscious consumption about energy, and, the most importantly, the know-how of energy conservation. This game is a pet-raising type game, and the objective of this game is energy conservation. Learner in this game needs to take care the pet well and careful of the energy he''s already used simultaneously to assure the pet is living fine and the energy is not on a wasting status to avoid failure in the process. Experiment is also being apply to assess the effect of self-perception of energy problem, learner motivation, the willingness to energy conservation in the future, and the evaluation of the game. Here is our conclusion:  1. The game can help learners to facilitate their motivation  2. The game can help learners to facilitate the self-perception of energy problem  3. The game can help learners to change their willingness and provide the knowledge of energy conservation in the future


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