

中小企業是帶動我國經濟發展的重要力量,但金融機構和中小企業的關係,卻總是在矛盾中求取平衡。中小企業融資困難,而銀行也認為中小企業的經營風險高且利潤低。截至九十五年十二月底止,國銀對中小企業放款總餘額近六成係來自七家公股行庫的貢獻度,政策性成份居多情形可見一斑。 本文主要就國內商業銀行業務承做面探討中小企業授信之信用風險轉嫁,期能藉由業務的承做方式以降低授信風險,並配合授信資產證券化以活絡資產、降低資金成本,又能增加收益,更提高銀行承做中小企業授信業務之意願。另借鏡美國的小型企業署貸款債權證券,期許不久的將來也能發展我國中小企業的債權資產證券化。文中同時也說明了金融資產證券化的優缺點,唯屬於國內的信評公司如何就中小企業進行專業的評等,目前也只能拭目以待。 新巴塞爾資本協定的實施勢必影響銀行對資本計提與授信嚴謹度的更加重視。而針對中小企業財務的低透明度,未來中小企業如何在節稅與融資之間取得平衡點以及銀行如何降低中小企業的授信風險,將會是一個重大的議題,亦衷心期盼後續研究者能做更深入的研究。


Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) drive our economic development an important force, but financial institutions and SMEs, always at the contradictions to strike a balance. The SME financing difficulties, the bank also said that SMEs operating high risks and low profits. At the end of December 2006, the bank lending to SMEs nearly 60% of the overall balance between the public from the seven banks Unit contribution, most policy elements situation is evident. This paper mainly on the domestic commercial banking operations, undertook the SME Credit exploring the credit risk transfer, period will be able to use business undertook way to reduce credit risk and, with the support of Credit Asset Securitization to limber assets, lowering the cost of capital, but also increase revenues, improve bank credit for SMEs to do business aspirations. And learn from the American Small Business Administration loan debt securities, promised the near future to develop our SMEs claim asset securitization. This paper also suggests that financial asset securitization advantages and disadvantages, Only internal rating company of the SMEs on how to conduct a professional rating, and so on, we can only wait and see. The New Basel Capital Accord is bound to affect the implementation of the banks with capital provided on the Credit deportment. More seriously. SMEs and low financial transparency, SMEs in the future tax saving and financing to strike a balance between banks and SMEs how to reduce the credit risk, will be a major topic sincerely hope the follow-up researchers do more in-depth research.


credit risk SME


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1. CROUHY‧GALAI‧MARK著,台灣金融研訓院編譯委員會譯「風險管理」,台灣金融研訓院,2004年9月。
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