  • 學位論文


Robust Visual Feature Extraction for Image/Video Content Authentication

指導教授 : 蘇柏齊




特徵擷取 內容認證 視訊 影像


The creation and distribution of digital contents have become increasingly convenient these days thanks to the rapid growth of digital signal processing techniques and broadband networking infrastructure. Editing digital images/videos, which was thought to be only achievable by professionals, can now be done with inexpensive and widely available software and hardware. A content authentication scheme for digital images and videos is proposed in this research. In order to avoid the content from being unnoticeably tampered by using digital editing facilities, reliable visual features are extracted as the authentication code and transmitted along with the images and videos. The integrity of content in a picture or a frame can thus be guaranteed by comparing the similarity between the transmitted authentication code and the extracted feature. The features are sensitive to malicious modification of data but are resilient to allowed lossy compression. The receiver can calculate the similarity between the transmitted digest and the extracted one to determine if the content has been tampered. The tampered region can even be located to help identify the motivation of the attacker. Experimental results show the feasibility of the proposed algorithm.


authentication feature extraction


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