  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃同圳


西式速食業得以風行市場,讓世界每一個角落皆能享受相同品質的產品以及服務水準,其仰賴的是一整套縝密的營運流程與作業標準,來規範每一個作業細節與管理層面。為達到不同時間、不同地點、以及不同的服務人員操作出無差異的產品與服務,除了作業流程必須拆解到最細緻的可操作步驟外,整個營運的目標以及工作績效的評定亦是確保服務品質很重要的一個環節。 本研究之進行主要是透過個案研究方法整理與分析個案公司在績效衡量指標變革的過程與實施後所產生的問題,並藉由個案公司與相關文獻對照,找出個案公司在實施過程可能面對的問題及解決方式,以提供個案公司改善之建議。本個案研究之研究目的,包含下列四點: 1.比較個案公司新舊績效管理制度,探討個案公司績效管理制度變革的過程,以及變革後新績效管理制度的全貌。 2.了解新的績效評估方式是否提高員工績效?確認該新制度是否符合個案公司的營運目標? 3.探討個案公司在績效制度的變革中,同步改變的新獎金制度是否具激勵效果? 4.針對新績效管理制度的變革過程提出建議,以利個案公司改進其績效管理制度,並做為日後改善借鏡之用。 主要研究發現與建議: 1.個案公司導入的TPM方案中,多為結果指標,相關於過程指標如員工的行為、態度、產品差異化、以及地區的差異化等因素則在TPM系統中未見納入。在未來的改善計劃中若能同時考量這些流程指標,則更能以周全的面向來考量組織的績效達成。 2.指標等級的訂定,除了由上而下,或由幕僚單位提出理想的目標外,負責執行的營運部門亦可由下而上提出指標的建議做為討論依據,並且提供更寬廣的視野來思考績效指標。 3.台灣應可自行開發BSC的管理資訊系統,因為中國與台灣在人力資源系統原就為各自發展各自獨立的模組,若能有一套能即時反應績效情況的資訊系統,這樣能讓管理者在管理或刺激餐廳的績效表現能更即時。


A meticulous process and sound operation standard make the western fast food popular in the world, where people can enjoy the same product quality and consistent service level. In QSR (Quick Service Restaurant) industry, the production procedure should be split into the simplest operational steps to ensure the end product and service with the same quality made by any persons in different places and time. In addition, the operation targets and performance evaluation are also the keys to assure the service quality. This thesis attempts to identify potential issues and problems during changing the performance indicators of the Company through case study. In the meanwhile, the research adopts Balanced Scorecard model as the contrast to find out the solutions for the Company so as to provide some valuable suggestions to the Company. There’re 4 objectives of the research: 1.To compare the performance system before and after the change and probe into the changing process so as to have a whole picture on the brand-new performance system of the Company. 2.To realize whether the new performance evaluation method improving employees’ performance? Can the new system meet the Company’s operation goals? 3.Does the new incentive scheme, which is changed synchronously with the performance system, have the motivational effect? 4.To raise some suggestions on the changing process of new performance management system that the Company can refer and improve the process in the future. Main findings of the research: 1.The indicators introduced into TPM program are result oriented, those process factors such as employees’ behaviors, attitude, product difference, and regional diversity do not take into consideration in TPM program. For the Company, it would be more comprehensive in terms of performance achievement if they take these process indicators into account. 2.In addition top-down objectives or ideal ones raised by the staff, the respective operational department shall also recommend some bottom-up indicators as the baseline. It provides extensive contents and a broader view to discuss the performance indicators. 3.Suggest the Company can develop the application system independently to manage BSC, since the respective HRIS module exists in China and Taiwan. This will reflect real time BSC results to the management to enhance and stimulate the performance.


BSC Performacne Indicator KPI Balanced Scorecard


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