  • 學位論文


Study of Feasibility on Cement Products Using Washed and Dried Slurry to Substitute Fine Aggregate

指導教授 : 李釗


本研究首先針對D公司所生產的礦渣副產物進行水洗除氯試驗,使用壓濾機與脫水機在經過4種水洗程序後,將針對濾餅氯離子的清洗成效作評估,以尋求合適的水洗方法。研究結果顯示,運用壓濾機與脫水機經過適當的改良程序,並添加5%濃度之碳酸鈉洗液,能有效去除礦渣中大量氯離子,其中又以壓濾機水洗試驗結果能達到除氯目標500 ppm以下。 而礦渣經水洗過後,基於資源再生利用之理念,本研究將試驗其作為混凝土細粒料的可行性。試驗以礦渣分別取代砂漿與磚類製品天然細粒料,並針對工作性、抗壓強度、吸水率等性質進行探討,結果發現,礦渣具備比重輕、顆粒細與高吸水率等特性,會對工作性與耐久性產生不良影響。在砂漿試驗中由於工作性限制,在固定水灰比下僅能取代15%的砂量,而高壓製程因工作性需求較小,故以礦渣作為製磚細粒料較具可行性,研究結果顯示,在礦渣取代量達30%~50%時,使用不同水泥量,可使試體強度分別具有A、B、C級磚標準,也証實礦渣具有成為製磚粒料之潛力。


水洗除氯 細粒料 高壓磚


The object of this study is to help “Company D” wash industrial slurry byproduct with filter press and centrifuge to remove excess chloride at first. Test results showed that filter press test which is added 5% soda-ash solution is the most suitable method to remove chloride effectively and economically. And it also can reduce the concentration of chloride inside the filter cake below 500 ppm which is the target of this test. As the filter cake was washed, it would be dried and ground into particle to be fine aggregate applied in mortar and compressed block. And when it’s content in mortar and compressed blocks was increased, the workability reduction and the durability reduction both were significant. Test results showed that the maximum replacement of fine aggregate is 15% in mortar. But the replacement of fine aggregate could be up to 30-50% in compressed blocks because of the casting process. Besides, it was feasible to produce compressed blocks that could satisfy the compressive strength requirement for compressed concrete blocks (Grade A, B, C) prescribed by CNS 13295 of Taiwan when different cement contents were used.


cake washing fine aggregate compressed block


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