  • 學位論文


The study of the collection and compilation of the lost writings of the Three Schools of Poetry in Ching dynasty──focus on Chen shouchi,Chen Qiaozon,Wang Xianqian

指導教授 : 賀廣如


兩漢時期,三家《詩》作為官學的主流地位,為當時儒生獲取利祿之途所必須研讀的課本。然而到了東漢末年,鄭玄打破今古文的門戶之見,尤其漢朝逐漸失去其統治的控制力,官學的權威性也就受到嚴重的挑戰。魏晉之後,鄭學盛行,三家《詩》由於不受世人所重視,而在時代的變遷中相繼輾轉流失,僅在其他轉引的古籍中留下斷簡殘篇。 到了宋代,開始有學者在進行《詩經》輯佚的工作,然而皆未能取得重大的成就。一直到清代,由范家相首開其端,三家《詩》輯佚在清代逐漸有了進展。到了乾隆、嘉慶以後,由於漢學受到重視,基於理解經典的需求,許多學者注意到三家《詩》這塊領域,有了研究的動機與目的,此時作輯佚工作的學者及其所完成的書籍,便如雨後春筍般大量出現。 因為清代輯佚學的發展,對於三家《詩》佚文的保存與發揚極具有學術史上的意義,因此,本篇論文即以清代三家《詩》輯佚學為主題而開展,討論其中極具有代表性的兩本三家《詩》輯佚的著作——陳壽祺、陳喬樅父子的《三家詩遺說考》,與王先謙的《詩三家義集疏》。 陳壽祺、陳喬樅父子的《三家詩遺說考》使用家法的繫聯,又因為大量從典籍中輯採舊說佚文,使得此書輯佚的材料倍於他人,而取得較高的成就,自然也受到矚目。因此,本文首先以陳氏父子的三家《詩》輯佚學作為探討的主題,討論此書在輯佚方法上的一些特色與問題。 到了清朝末年,王先謙多所參考陳壽祺、陳喬樅父子的著作,而作成《詩三家義集疏》一書,此書歷來被學者視為集大成的著作,而王先謙鮮明的《詩經》學立場,亦於書中處處可見。因此,本文在探討這個部分時,主要著重於其立場的影響,使得他在輯佚的內容上,有著不同於陳氏父子的價值觀。 最後,則是將具有承繼關係的兩書進行一通盤性的比較,藉由此番比較,除了看出兩書作者在輯佚立場上的不同思維外,也可藉此看出清中期至末期以來,這段時間裡,整個學術風氣變遷的痕跡。


三家詩 輯佚 陳壽祺 陳喬樅 王先謙


The Three Schools 三家詩 was an mainstream主流 of the official Education 官學 In the Han dynasty, and was the only way and textbook to get the Official Career for confucian scholars儒生 at that time. Cheng-shien鄭玄avoided the sectarian bias in modern and ancient text 今古文at the End of East-Han Dynasty. Especially Han dynasty lost the control gradually ,and the official Education faced a serious challenge. After Wei and Jin Dynasty, Zheng Xuan'' s Jinxue鄭玄經學 was prevailing ,and People didn’t Pay Attention to the Three Schools三家詩. With the change of the ages the Three Schools were lost, and only could found from broken scripts. At Song dynasty ,there were some scholars studying in the gathering of scattered of the shi jing詩經, but didn’t have the great achievements. Until in Ching dynasty Fan Jiaxiang 范家相is the first one to do the gathering of scattered writings. In the reign of Emperor Qianlong 乾隆and Emperor Jiaqing 嘉慶 sinology was being concerned more and more. Many scholars were notice in the Three Schools 三家詩 based on the requirement of understanding ancient book. With motivation and purpose of research, scholars who studying the gathering of scattered writing and book which they finish were spring up like mushrooms. Because of the gathering of scattered writing’s development in Ching dynasty. It’s significant for saving and developing lost article of the academic history for the Three Schools. In consequence in this paper is taking the gathering of scattered writings in Ching dynasty as the Theme. This paper discuss with two representative books about the Three Schools. The one was Chen shouchi陳壽祺amd Qiaozon''s 陳喬樅 Sanjiashi Yishuo Kao 三家詩遺說考 another one was Wang Xianqian''s 王先謙 Shi Sanjiayi Jishu 詩三家義集疏. Chen shouchi陳壽祺amd Qiaozon''s 陳喬樅 Sanjiashi Yishuo Kao 三家詩遺說考 collect lost article largely, and make this book more abounding. The book got better achievement and more attention. Therefore the matter of this paper discuss some questions and characteristic about the gathering of scattered writing’s of Sanjiashi Yishuo Kao. 三家詩遺說考 At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Wang Xianqian''s 王先謙refer to Chen shouchi陳壽祺and Qiaozon''s 陳喬樅author,and write the book” Shi Sanjiayi Jishu 詩三家義集疏”. We could see Wang Xianqian''s 王先謙 vivid shi jing詩經standpoint in this representative writing. Accordingly, when this paper discussed this part to emphasize that the influence of his standpoint different from Chen and his son’s values. At least, comparison of this two interrelationship books in its entirety. It’s comparability with different author’s thought from the gathering of scattered writing. Also can see the trace of academic atmosphere changes during middle Ching dynasty to late Ching dynasty.


1. 王爾敏:《中國近代思想史論》,台北:臺灣商務印書館,1995年。
43. 蔣秋華:《簡述臺灣的王先謙研究》,《中國文哲研究通訊》第14卷第1期,2004年3月。
9. 賀廣如:《魏默深思想探究——以傳統經典的詮說為討論中心》,台北:國立台灣大學出版委員會,1999年。
一、 古籍(以經史子集順序排列)
(一) 經


