

在競爭激烈的電信產業中,面臨的風險是超乎一般企業可比擬。Chell(2000)認為創業家的根本是追逐與創造機會的,機會導向創業家是察覺外界的環境情況,藉著擁有的概念並採取應對的行動使的企業獲利。面對越激烈、風險高的競爭環境,正是機會導向創業家大展身手的表演舞台。 本研究希冀以機會導向創業家為對象,研究他們的創業經歷與人格特質,由於機會導向創業家對於市場極度敏銳,也代表著要承受更大的風險,因為局勢一旦判斷錯誤,將會落得滿盤接落索的局勢。這邊也探究機會導向創業家面對環境的挑戰,如何去思考因應之道。 本研究以機會導向的創業家為主軸,主旨在探討個案研究對象在競爭激烈的電信產業,如何尋找潛藏在環境的機會,並適時掌握住時機開創出自己的事業王國。藉由研究者的成長、創業歷程與心理測驗以求能更深入剖析出機會導向創業家的個人特質。 個案研究對象透過口述、錄音、文獻探討、自身經歷之描述、心理測驗以及機會導向問卷去檢驗、觀察、研究機會導向創業家之本質。 研究結果發現機會導向創業家證明了無論時代的好壞機會是一直存在,重點只在於是否能早他人一步看到市場的機會。機會導向創業家個人的行為模式,必須要善於對環境具有較佳的敏感度,甚至要能預測環境變化,以利本身下決心與判斷,最終結果不是失敗就是成功,其間差異有時僅在一念之間。


In the fierce competitive cellular phone IC component industry, the business risk is far exceeding than other general business. In the turbulent changing market, a successful entrepreneur should perceive the future change and react swiftly and correctly. Chell (2000) thinks that entrepreneurs'' mission is to seek and create opportunity. Opportunistic entrepreneurs perceive external situation and make appropriate action in order to search for profit. In the face of risky and fierce competitive environment, it is the hidden chances that opportunistic entrepreneurs should perceive and react correctly in order to survive and prosper. This research focuses an opportunistic entrepreneur, by studying his personal business experiences and his personality. This entrepreneur is facing a very competitive IC component market -- the product life cycle is short while the price is volatile. First, through a thorough interview, this study finds out how does the entrepreneur react to the change correctly or incorrectly. Secondly, this study adopts a series of psychological tests to find out his special characteristics in decision style, multiple intelligence, value systems, and most important of all, his opportunity seeking behavior. The result of research shows that in the volatile market, the opportunistic entrepreneur can find opportunities in market early. Opportunistic entrepreneurs'' behavior must be a special talent to help him get a better hand to predict the market environmental change, and consequently to enable him to make effective decisions.


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