  • 學位論文


The Research of Chinese Political Situation During the 9th Chinese Communist Party Congress (The 9th Congress)

指導教授 : 齊茂吉


摘要 論文名稱:中共九大前後政治局勢之研究 校所:國立中央大學歷史研究所 研究生:謝曲治 指導教授:齊茂吉博士 中文提要內容: 1969年中共九大正值於文化大革命期間召開,因而深受文化大革命的影響,九大承繼文化大革命「無產階級專政下繼續革命」的左傾路線,所以,無論在會前的籌備、會議的過程、會中的氣氛、九大政治報告或是黨章內容等,都是有別於中共以往的代表大會,被認為是一個極為特殊的代表大會。 毛澤東召開九大的目的是為慶祝文革的勝利,爭取更大的團結,但由於林彪、江青兩大集團的明爭暗鬥,使中共九大前後的政局一直處於詭譎多變之中。因此,毛想把九大開成一個團結、勝利的大會,無異是緣木求魚。 本文主要探討的題目有四:第一,彭德懷功在黨國且與毛澤東的淵源頗深,毛為何在廬山會議,毫不留情將其打倒?而劉少奇在七大時是毛屬意的接班人,為何在八屆十二中時卻遭受了批鬥的噩運?第二,在九大政治報告的起草,為何毛最後會採用張春橋、姚文元的政治報告?這份政治報告對九大及以後的中共政局又帶來什麼影響?第三,中共當局忌憚於蘇聯的武力威脅,在1969年疏散原中央領導人離京,此事是否真的與林彪有關?林彪發布〈一號號令〉及堅設國家主席被認為是反黨反毛的說法是否屬實?第四,毛澤東在三面紅旗、個人崇拜及文革開展等問題上,都少不了林彪的鼎力相助,毛也破例將林作為接班人寫進黨章,在這種情況下,九屆二中林彪集團發動揪鬥張春橋的行動時,毛為何不惜與林彪撕破臉而力保張春橋呢?以上問題本文將深入探討。


國家主席 九大 林彪 一號號令


The Research of Chinese Political Situation During the 9th Chinese Communist Party Congress (The 9th Congress) Abstract The 9th Chinese Communist Party Congress was held in 1969. This Congress was deeply influenced by The China’s Cultural Revolution while it was taking place (1966-1976).The 9th Congress continued the sprit of proletarian revolution. Due to the particular timing, the 9th Congress was different from the previous one. Mao hosted the 9th Congress to celebrate the victory of China’s Cultural Revolution and the primary purpose was to win over more and more united Chinese people. At that time, Lin Biao and Jiang Qing were both open strife and veiled struggle. The Chinese political situation was sly and shrewd. Mao wanted the Congress of victors, but it was difficult. There are four topics in this research. First, why did Mao bring down Peng Dir White after Lushan meeting (1959)? Liu Shaoqi was Mao’s preferable successor during the 7th Congress. Why did Liu Shaoqi be refuted afterwards ? Second, why did Mao adopt Zhang Chunqiao and Yao Wenyuan’s political report? How did this report affect the 9th Congress and China’s political situation in the future? Third, the armed force threat from Soviet caused the evacuation of China government cadre members in 1969. Was Liu Shaoqi involved in this event? Lin Biao issued First Order and urged that China should keep the position of chairman. Is it against Mao’s idea? Forth, Mao got lots of assistance from Lin Biao in the issues of Three Red Flags, Personality Cult and the starting of Culture Revolution. Mao made an exception to let Lin Biao to be his successor and wrote it in the party constitution. But Mao broke up with Lin Biao when Lin Biao started the conflict with Zhang Chunqiao in Lushan Meeting(1970). Why did Mao break up with Lin Biao to protect Zhang Chunqiao? The issues mentioned above will be researched in this thesis.




