  • 學位論文


Gather the research of village and religious development:Take Guanyin Township of Taoyuan County as an example(1684-1990)

指導教授 : 吳學明


本文以觀音鄉為研究個案,外在政治、經濟與社會的變遷皆會影響觀音鄉的地方社會與宗教發展,期藉由長時間(1684-1990)的歷史觀察,探討不同統治時期,觀音聚落與宗教發展轉變的情形。 清代觀音地區移墾主要從雍正時期開始,漢移民多為芝葩里莊、大溪墘莊招墾而至,大墾戶是郭光天家族。本區客多於閩,大致可分客庄的觀音區、閩庄的草漯區與閩客混合的新坡區。閩客族群分布主要受到清代墾區庄的劃分與不同移民來源的影響。民國後新一波石門水庫移民,含閩客及原住民泰雅族,分布於觀音鄉沿海村落。 觀音鄉過去經濟活動以農業為主,日治時期官方興建桃園大圳、造林防風,使得本地農業生產量激增,成為桃園地區重要穀倉。民國後隨著台灣工業化,觀音農業衰退,農村人口外流,轉往工廠或其他行業謀生。民國七十九年(1990年)開發完成的觀音工業區,雖對促進地方經濟繁榮有實質幫助,卻也帶來破環環境的工業污染。觀音地區的聚落發展,深受到國家力量的影響。清代靠海的觀音區、草漯區先發跡,隨著官道內移,桃園大圳修築,新坡區逐漸崛起,日治時期新坡庄即成為觀音地區發展最繁榮的地方,民國以後草漯區因為工業區的設立,也漸漸繁榮。 各大姓家族因人多勢眾,在地方社會上具相當影響力,如人口最多的黃、廖兩大姓,在清代即崛起,參與多項公共事務,是社會領導階層。日治時期也擔任基層地方公職,子弟多接受新式教育,延續過去家族的社會影響力。觀音地區由於過去是傳統農業社會,農民組織具有相當政治影響力,民國後許多地方政壇人士皆出自農民組織。 觀音鄉閩客族群宗教活動大致以大堀溪為界,靠海的觀音區、草漯區較早繁榮,清代便已形成村廟,演變至今,觀音區信奉甘泉寺、溥濟宮,草漯區則信奉保障宮,新坡區因崛起較晚,深受其他較早形成的祭祀圈影響。


This text regards to Guanyin township as the case of studying, the changes of external politics, economy and the society will all influence local society and religious development of the Guanyin township. Issue for a long time (1684-1990) history observe, to probes into the changes of village and religious development for different period of government in Guanyin. The people of Guanyin area moved and cultivated it mainly from the period of Yong Zheng in Cing dynasty, Chinese immigrants were mostly employed and cultivated from Jhih Ba Li village, Dasi Cian village, especially is the family of Guo Guang Tian. The Hakka more than the Ho-lo in this district, they can roughly divide into the Hakka village of Guanyin district, the Ho-lo village of Can Ta district and the mixed village of Sin Po district. The distribution of ethnicity were mainly influenced by the division of the reclamation area and different immigrant''s sources in Cing dynasty. The new immigrants of Shih-Men reservoir after the Republic of China, includes the Hakka, Ho-lo and aborigine of Tai-Ya. They distributed in the coastal village of Guanyin. The economic activity of Guanyin take agriculture as the core in the past. The official built the ditch of Taoyuan in the period of Japanese government, they afforestted for windproof, this made the local agricultural production of amount increase rapidly, and became the important granary of Taoyuan area. With the industrialization of Taiwan after the Republic of China, agriculture of Guanyin declined, the people in the countryside outflow, they transferred to the factory or other trades and made a living. The industrial area of Guanyin had finished in the 79th year of the Republic of China (1990), although they had promoted the local economic prosperity, also brought the industrial pollution .The development of Guanyin area was influenced by national strength deeply. Due to near to the sea ,Guanyin district and Can Ta district had been developed firstly in Cing dynasty, as the official way moved inside, the ditch of Taoyuan were built, the Sin Po district emerged gradually, it became the most prosperous place of Guanyin area in the period of Japanese government. Because of the establishment of the industrial area in Can Ta district after the Republic of China, they developed prosperous gradually too Every large domination over throught the number of the family, there were more influences in the local society. As the most populous of Huang and Liao surnamed, they emerged promptly in Cing dynasty, and participated in multiple public affairs. They were the social leading, and took part in the public office local in the period of Japanese government, their posterity accepted new-type education, extend over the social influence of the family. Because in the past it was a traditional agriculturally society in Guanyin area, peasant''s organization had quite political influence, a lot of local personages of political all came from peasant''s organization after the Republic of China. The religious activity of the Hakka and the Ho-lo were divided roughly by the river of Da Ku in Guanyin township , Guanyin district and Can Ta district close to the sea, they were more prosperous relatively early , already formed the village in Cing dynasty, and developed so far. The Guanyin district believed in Gan Cyuan temple and Pu Ji temple. The Can Ta district believed in Bao Jhang temple. Because the Sin Po district emerged relatively late, it was influenced by other ones that the range of sacrifices take shape earlier.




