  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 王存國


近年來,中國與台灣陸續加入WTO,中國大陸經濟蓬勃發展,逐步傾向市場經濟體系,台商西進中國的趨勢更銳不可檔。台商積極於中國投資房地產與增設廠房,增加兩岸的房地產估價業務需求,且中國房地產估價市場雖發展迅速,卻尚未成熟,這讓台灣不動產估價業者也跟上西進列車,前往中國尋找開拓市場的新契機。 因此,本研究將採取以下方式進行討論。首先,能夠透過文獻回顧分析,瞭解台灣與中國房地產估價業的市場執業環境與政府法令規定。再者,藉由個案研究方式,並以上海市為研究空間範圍,運用SWOT分析,探討台灣不動產估價師事務所於上海市發展的競爭優勢與劣勢。最後據此,提出研究個案於中國發展的策略建議,包括策略聯盟競爭策略、行銷差異化策略、知識管理策略及人力資源管理策略。


Recently, after China and Taiwan have joined WTO, the Chinese economy is continually rising and flourishing and moving toward a market economic system. These have caused that Taiwanese businesses keep on moving into China. Because many such businesses actively invested in real estate and built factories, the demand for real estate appraisal has increased dramatically. Although the Chinese market of real estate appraisal has grown rapidly, it is far from mature. Therefore, Taiwanese real estate appraisers also followed them to build business units in China, looking for the opportunities of expanding their business. Hence, this study addresses the following issues. First, a literature analysis helps us understand the markets, environments, and governmental laws of real estate appraisal in China and Taiwan. Second, using the Municipality of Shanghai as an example, we choose one Taiwanese real estate appraiser firm as the focal case and perform the SWOT analysis to analyze its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Last, based on the analysis, we suggest the strategies for the case firm to develop in China, including strategic alliance strategies, differentiated marketing strategies, knowledge management strategies, and human resource management strategies.


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