  • 學位論文


The study of online group buying strategy and consumer satisfaction

指導教授 : 洪秀婉


人類社會進入資訊化時代後,消費者利用電子化工具作為媒介並結合網路虛擬環境與實體通路進行商業行為。網路合購模式為現今熱門之線上購物模式之一,買方利用網際網路特性,聚集網路上擁有相同或類似需求之消費者,藉由需求量之累積以爭取賣方給予折扣優惠。 合購活動之核心樞紐在於合購策略,賣方針對買方各階段累積購買之總數量或總金額,提出價格優惠金額百分比之方案。企業或網路賣家可藉由瞭解效用遞減、效用中立及效用遞增三種網路合購策略下產生之消費者滿意度差異,進而擬定其競爭策略以刺激銷售。 本研究以「具網路合購經驗者」為研究對象,採問卷方式進行實證調查,研究並考量消費者個人因素或涉入高低對其參與網路合購意願與滿意度之影響,以變異數分析及集群分析確認分群差異程度。 研究結果如下: 一、網路合購策略對消費者滿意度有顯著影響,效用遞減策略帶給消費者之整體滿意度為最高。 二、消費者之認知型態對合購策略與消費者滿意度之關係有顯著干擾作用。整體而言,分析型認知型態者相對於直覺型認知型態者在三種合購策略下皆擁有較高之消費者滿意度;個別而言,認知型態對效用遞減策略與滿意度之關係影響最大。 三、消費者之電腦自我效能高低對合購策略與消費者滿意度之關係有顯著干擾作用。整體而言,高電腦自我效能消費者相對於低電腦自我效能者在三種合購策略下皆擁有較高之消費者滿意度;個別而言,電腦自我效能高低對效用遞增策略與滿意度之關係影響尤大。 四、消費者涉入程度差異對不同合購策略與滿意度之關係有顯著干擾作用。整體而言,高涉入消費者相對於低涉入者在三種合購策略下皆擁有較高之消費者整體滿意度;再進一步分析,則對效用遞增策略而言,涉入程度對其與價格資訊滿意度之關係有顯著干擾作用;對效用中立策略而言,涉入程度對其與整體效用滿意度之關係有顯著干擾作用;對效用遞增策略而言,涉入程度則對其與購買決策滿意度、價格資訊滿意度以及合購有用性感受關係之干擾作用尤為顯著。


Online group buying schemes have recently been in vogue as part of innovative online shopping mechanism, which is to recruit buyers through network so as to form a great purchasing dmand to negotiate for a better price, and become a popular business model in Taiwan now. The feature of onlinge group buying is that the price will go down as the accumulated orders are increasing. However, few researchers have published articles on the subject of online group buying. Previous studies mainly focus on the comparisons of various online group buying machanism itself. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to understand how consumers’ satisfaction would be influenced when facing different group buying strategies of sellers’. In addition, this research also analyse if the diversity of personal cognitive style, computer self-efficacy and involvement level would affect consumers’ satisfaction. The results show that utility decreasing strategy makes consumers’ satisfaction of group buying higher than the others. Furthermore, consumer’s personal differentiations would work upon the relationship between group buying strategies and consumer’s satisfaction. Finally, we propose some suggestions for sellers in conclusion.


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