  • 學位論文


A study of user satisfaction with the content of recruiting websites

指導教授 : 李誠


隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展,使得上網人數激增,根據comScore Media Metrix最新數據指出,截至2007年1月為止,全世界年齡達15歲以上之上網人口已近7億5,000萬,全球上網者每月的平均上網的時間為31.3小時,而台灣以43.2小時的上網時數名列全球第五。隨著上網人數的增加,使得網路招募成為目前求才與求職的新興管道,並且成長十分迅速。根據台灣104人力銀行的統計,到2007年10月累計求才廠商多達15萬家,求職會員近400萬人。由以上可以很清楚的發現網路招募提供了求才與求職雙方一個十分便利的招募管道,但是網路招募是否有效,尚有待考證。 因此,本研究目的在探討台灣招募網站的現況,以及比較台灣與國外招募網站內容,並且由使用者的觀點出發調查使用者對於招募網站內容的重視程度和使用滿意度。本研究之招募網站內容是採Richark等學者(2004)所歸納出之招募網站內容,加以修改後分為三構面:網站的訊息內容、網站的設計、及網站的功能。研究採問卷方式調查275位由網路招募管道找到工作的員工,探討他們對招募網站使用的滿意度以及所重視的網站內容。研究結果得知不同的使用者對於招募網站內容的需求項目十分相似,而且發現招募網站的訊息與招募網站的功能對於使用者滿意度有顯著正向影響。


With the blooming of Internet, the number of Internet users is increasing rapidly. According to the latest data of comScore Media Metrix, until January 2007, the population (over 15 years old) of Internet has been nearly 750 million; the global Internet users’ average online time was 31.3 hours; Taiwan was ranked the fifth in the world by the online time of 43.2 hours. With the increase of the number of Internet users, online recruiting is becoming a new channel for seeking talents or jobs, and it grows very fast. According to the data of 104 Job Bank in Taiwan, in October 2007, the number of the talent-seeking firms was up to 150,000, and the number of the job-seeking members was nearly 4 million. As above, we can find out that e-recruiting provides both firms and job seekers a very convenient recruitment channel; however, the effectiveness of e-recruiting should be examined. Therefore, the purposes of this study are to explore the current status of the recruiting websites, to compare the recruiting website content in Taiwan with overseas recruiting website content, and to conduct a survey to investigate the level of importance and satisfaction of e-recruiting website from users’ viewpoint. The recruiting website content in this study was adjusted from that concluded by Richark et al. (2004), and it was divided into three dimensions: website content, website design, and website functions. A questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate 275 people who found jobs via the online recruiting channel, the level of their satisfaction of using the recruiting websites, and the content they thought highly of. The results reveal that different users’ demands of recruiting website content are very similar; recruiting website content and functions have significant impacts on the users’ satisfaction.


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