  • 學位論文


Mechanism Discussion On Manure Treatment In Taoyuan District

指導教授 : 秦靜如


水資源短缺與其污染問題是全球人類遲早要面臨的課題,而台灣由於地狹人稠,加上早期只重經濟而輕忽環境保護的心態作祟下,河川污染日益嚴重。行政院環保署目前正針對水肥再積極推動妥善處理工作,除了加強控管水肥流向不任意傾倒至河川等措施外,公共下水道之建設雖緩慢,但在全國生活污水(含水肥)納管處理達到一定比例前,水肥之流向是否有替代處理方案,在在值得相關人員省思。桃園縣位居全國第三大縣,且轄內工業區眾多,河川本身遭事業廢棄物污染之機會已較其他縣市高,因此,對於轄內民眾之排泄廢棄物如何控管與處理更顯重要。 本研究擬針對桃園縣境內之水肥清理概況,尤其是各中小學、大專院校、大型醫療院所、大型風景遊樂區及水肥清除業者之排泄廢棄物(即水肥)做一初步之問卷調查與資料彙整,並針對問題作出分析及在執行層面提出淺近之結論與建議,供地方環保機關或其他相關機構作為未來施政執行上之參考方針。 本研究問卷回收率近7成,經統計有近95﹪之建築物目前仍使用化糞池的模式進行水肥之處理,清理頻率多為半年一次至5年一次,清理費用約在1000元/噸,若是單點清運,其清運價格為2100元∕噸,若是多點清運,其清理價格更高達3150元∕噸。 本研究根據環保署委託調查資料得知,桃園縣定期清理之水肥清運推估量為508公噸/日,未定期清理之水肥清運推估量為152公噸/日,而由水肥清除業者之問卷資料估計平均每日有100噸之水肥量,若再加上未回覆之問卷,推估桃園縣平均每日之水肥量有530噸,這尚未包括本研究調查對象以外之社區或建築物等等,可見目前桃園縣水肥妥善清理率過低。建議設置水肥處理廠或者利用現有之廢水處理廠來增設水肥投入站,並繼續污水下水道之接管率;並由環保局偕同水肥清除業者協調訂定水肥處理費用與進場動線規劃,進而達到水肥妥善處理之目標,參考國外物業管理經驗,推動建築物污水處理設施納入建築物物業管理範圍內,進而使建築物污水處理設施得到有效管理與維護,促使水肥獲得妥善處理之目標。


The rivers in Taiwan are seriously polluted by the domestic wastewater due to slow construction of the sewage systems and municipal wastewater treatment/reclamation plants. Therefore, before the municipal wastewater can be properly treated, the discharge and treatment of the sewage should be carefully examined. Taoyuan county is the third largest county in Taiwan, in which there are also many industrial parks. Since the river in Taoyuan are already at high risk of pollution by industrial wastewater, the control and management of sewage become very important. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the generation and the management of manure generated from school, hospitals, and theme parks via survey and questionnaire, such as storage equipment, cleaning frequency, and etc.,. Also, the cleaning fee and amount of manure collected were also calculated and to compare with the results obtained from the questionnaire. The return rate is about 70%. Septic tank is still the main treatment equipment for manure, which is about 95%. The cleaning frequency is ranged from half an year to 5 years and the cleaning fee is about 1000 NT$/ton, which is way beyond the fee estimated in this work. From this work, it is estimated that the manure to be cleaned is about 530 ton/day; however, the County does not have proper treatment plant yet. Therefore, it is important to promote the sewage system, to construct a manure treatment plant. Also, the cleaning of manure in large buildings or communities can be included in the operation of property management.


27.Osamu Yamamoto,Solid Waste Management in Japan Status Quo,Proceeding of International Symposium on Environmental Pollution Control and Waste Management,
