

本文從倫理關懷的面相深入探討與食素或素食主義相關的議題,以及如何解決?提出個人一些淺見。 第一章簡要說明個人研究動機及學術研究宗旨,以及重要的學術議題向度:(1)動物權利論證(2)深層素食主義,以及述明本論文所依循的研究方法。 第二章透過環境倫理學脈絡的發展(例如;「環境關懷倫理學」等等),扼要說明所謂「倫理關懷」的內涵,並從而探討「關懷體內環保」和素食主義的嵌結議題,進而擴大論述之論域,而帶引出食素行動與關懷地球生態環境等等議題的探討,再以佛家關懷生態環保的倫理實踐,並以素食主義與生態環保的具體實踐經由倫理道德實踐來展示食素和推動素食主義正是「倫理關懷」的積極示範。 第三章從關懷動物的倫理探究,依循西方學者針對「動物的道德地位」、「動物的權利」提出見解,分別由學理面和實踐面進行分析和批評,並從而帶引出「關懷動物倫理」的論述以及說明採行素食主義,應是「關懷動物」問題的最佳解決方式,並以佛家關懷「眾生平等的倫理觀」作為關懷動物之倫理的一種例示。 第四章簡要說明素食主義的意義及食素類型之涵義及價值,再次第引介各種通俗的食素觀點,及專業觀點-傅可思的支持素食主義的論證,並討論支持食素的理由,最後提示瑞雪斯並討論支持食素的倫理論證,說明採行素食的倫理關懷之涵義。 本文最後簡要綜述要點及相關替代見解,並提出相關建議。


This dissertation discusses issues with respect of vegetarian or vegetarianism in terms of ethic and humanitarian and how to solve problems? My personal opinions are as in the following: The Chapter 1 in this dissertation describes briefly my personal research motive and academic research principle and important academic issue topics: (1) Arguments for Animal Rights (2) Pure Vegetarianism and explaining the research methods adopted in this dissertation. Chapter 2 in this dissertation describes briefly the contents of so-called “Ethic and humanitarian” by the development of environment ethic context (such as :”Theories for Concern for Environment Ethic”), and also discusses in-depth issues, such as “Concern for Internal Cleansing” and “Vegetarianism” and broadens research range of this dissertation and furthers into the discussions for such issues as “Vegetarianism” and “Concern for Global Ecology and Environment Protection” and then uses the fulfillment of concern for ecology and environment protection in Buddhism and the adoption of vegetarianism and ecology and environment protection and also ethnic and moral to prove that promoting vegetarianism is the aggressive demonstration for “Ethic and Concern”. Chapter 3 in this dissertation researches ethic in terms of concern for animals and submits opinions in pursuant to Western researchers’ contentions on “Animal Moral Status” and “Animal Rights” and proceed analysis and criticism in terms of academic theory and practice and submits the claims that “Concern for Animals Ethic” and explains the adoption of vegetarianism are the best solution method for “Concern for Animals” and uses “All Animals Are Equal” in Buddhism as an exemplar for concern for animal ethic. Chapter 4 in this dissertation explains briefly the meaning of vegetarianism and the endowment and values of vegetarians and introduces again every common vegetarian values and also professional principles — Professor Michael Allen Fox’s supporting arguments for vegetarianism and also discusses the reasons for promoting vegetarianism and finally introduces James Rachels and discusses ethic arguments for supporting vegetarianism and explains the meaning of ethic concern for fulfilling vegetarianism. The final part in this dissertation describes briefly key points and related substitution opinions and submits relevant suggestions.


孟祥森.錢永祥(譯),Peter Singer(著),1996,《動物解放》(Animal Liberation),台北:關懷生命協會,初版一刷。
Fox, Michael Allen, 1999, Deep Vegetarianism, Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
───, 1986, The Case for Animal Experimentation: An Evolutionary and Ethical Perspective, California: University of California Press.


