  • 學位論文


A new method for estimating the number of clusters

指導教授 : 銀慶剛


估計資料群數是群集分析(cluster analysis)中一個重要的問題。在本篇論文中,我們嘗試模型選取中最被普遍使用的貝氏訊息準則(Bayesian information criterion)做為群集問題中選取群數的標準。然而,在資料變數為一維的情況下,我們發現使用BIC會高估資料的真實群數;即使嘗試各種不同的懲罰項,並沒有找到一個有效的一致性訊息準則(consistent information criterion)。因此,本篇論文提出了一個群數估計的新方法,並經由程式模擬說明其估計資料群數的準確性。


A major problem in cluster analysis is to find the number of clusters. In this paper, we try to use Bayesian information criterion(BIC), a wide-used criterion in model selection problem, as a criterion to estimate the number of clusters. However, we found that the ture number of clusters would be overestimated when using BIC as a criterion in one dimension case. We can not find a consistent information criterion in the problem of number estimation. We propose a new method for estimating the number of clusters and show the currency of the method via simulation study.


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