  • 學位論文


A study on the status of the service fee rate for engineering service

指導教授 : 李建中


工程顧問服務業於國家經濟及公共建設上佔有極重要角色,其素質及經營環境之健全與否,都直接影響到工程品質與安全。隨著時代變遷,相關法令增訂許多工程顧問服務業之服務項目,但其服務費率與作業慣例卻並未隨之調整,長期下來,對於工程顧問業產生莫大影響。目前勞務採購礙於承辦人員專業性不足與方便性或機關之決策方式,常以最低標決標方式進行,且普遍採用建造費用百分比法計算服務酬金。技術服務酬金計算方式依不同金額、類型之工程訂定最高費率上限值,對於契約中規範之工作項目數量、內容則甚少細述。如此將使得服務廠商於投標公共工程案件時普遍存在服務酬金費率偏低,費率不符服務項目之數量與內容等情形。以最低標方式招標壓低廠商服務酬金造成廠商營運入不敷出,設計監造費用必須視工程興建費用多寡而決定金額,衍生服務項目繁多而無法得到相對報酬,機關未以最低保障底價之八折標金給予廠商進行服務等眾多問題。 面對如此眾多問題,過往雖有學者進行國內外法規探討、費率調整方式建議等研究,但仍皆因無法反映目前工程設計監造之困難現況而有執行之疑慮,因此本研究以民國88年至96年間共4736筆工程設計監造案例進行費率分佈現況分析,由此分析得到影響費率分佈之主要因素有四,(1)工程類型(2)機關層級(3)決標方式(4)底價訂定,造成費率分佈差異性過大;而後本研究蒐集50筆勞務採購契約,藉由比對服務項目數量與決標費率,揭露多數案例存在決標費率與服務項目數量不成比例之不合理現象,最後本研究將此結果與多位專家進行討論並提出多項建議,以提供未來機關可進行之費率修正或法規修訂等參考建議,使技術服務廠商可獲得應有報酬,提供更高品質之公共工程。


Engineering service plays an important role on the national civil construction. The soundness of its quality and operating environment directly influences the construction quality and safety. Although related regulations require more and more service items in recent decades, there are no adjustments to the service fee rates. Presently, the lowest bid is a common way to decide the winning bid for construction contract. The engineering service fee rate is generally determined from the percentage of the construction expenses. This has made the service fee, in general, insufficient for the service provided. Sometimes, the scope of service is not well defined in the service contract, which has made the engineering service quality endangered. To cope with the difficulty of engineering service fee, there were some previous articles focusing on comparing domestic fee rates with similar regulations of other countries, and suggested fee rate adjustments. They are, however, still not being able to reflect the difficulties of current status presented in engineering service industry. Thus, this report analyzes 4736 engineering service contracts between year 99 to 07. There are four factors which influences the fee rate: (1) the type of construction, (2) the level of government, (3) tender procedure, and (4) the fee rate of government estimate. And further more, this report analyzes 50 contracts on the fee rates and the service scopes. The expert meetings and interviews were held to discuss the current status of the technical service and suggested the modification on related law and regulations with the purpose to facilitate better quality engineering service at reasonable fee rates.


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