  • 學位論文


Measurement and Analysis of Foot Shape and Pressure for High-Heeled Shoes

指導教授 : 林上智


近年來由於生物力學及運動醫學之蓬勃發展,使得足部疾病逐漸受重視。一般人或多或少都有生物力學上的缺陷,然而並非所有生物力學上的不正常都會造成臨床症狀,本研究利用二維及三維之足型資訊作為客製化鞋墊的參考依據,讓使用者在日常生活中藉由穿著鞋墊的同時,調整身體生物力學的結構,提供一種更理想、有效、方便且不影響生活的治療方式。 另外,穿著高跟鞋時也改變了人體原本站立及行走時的生物力學,常造成的傷害有腳踝扭傷、腰酸背痛、加速膝關節磨損等;若能參考穿著高跟鞋時的足型與足壓資訊,針對高跟鞋的設計作改善,或製作客製化的高跟鞋鞋墊,皆是將來開發具健康概念的高跟鞋之目標。因此,本研究中規劃高跟鞋足型的量測裝置,同時製作不同設計參數的高跟鞋足壓量測模型,透過足壓的分析,判定量測高跟鞋足壓時傳統的油墨足印器並非合適的工具,將來希望開發合適的量測系統以進行量測,期望透過完整的足壓資訊分析,提供最佳化的高跟鞋大底設計給相關製鞋業者作為參考,讓社會更多女性走得更美更健康。


三維足型 客製化 足壓 高跟鞋 鞋墊


In recent years, biomechanics and sport medicine advance vigorously and make the people gradually pay much attention to the foot diseases. Everyone has more or less defect of biomechanics, but not all abnormal biomechanics can lead to the effect in clinical symptoms, this research use 2D and 3D foot shape models as the reference basis to make custom-made insoles, which can let users adjust the structure of biomechanics of body by wearing them in daily life. That offers a more ideal, effective, convenient way to treat without influence daily life. In addition, wearing high-heeled shoes also change the biomechanics while standing and walking. The injuries that often caused including: ankle spraining, pains in the loins and back, accelerating the knee joint to wear and tear etc. We can take the foot shape and foot pressure as the basis of improving the designs of high-heeled shoes or making custom-made insoles of high-heeled shoes. These are our targets of make a pair of high-heeled shoes that consider healthy ideas. Therefore, we work out a device of measuring the foot pressure while wearing high-heeled shoes. We also produce some measuring models that consider different design factors. By analyzing the data that we got from experiments, we can determine that use the traditional instrument to print foot pressure while wearing high-heeled shoes by ink is not a suitable way. So we have to develop another proper measure instrument to get correct data for analysis. Through the data, we can get the optimal curve of the base of high-heeled shoes, and to serve as a standard for shoes manufacturing industry, let more women walk in more beautiful and healthier gait.


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