  • 學位論文


Under Tom Regan viewpoint Peter Singer

指導教授 : 蕭振邦


本文藉由辛格和黎根二位學者理論的說明與比較,能讓更多的人對於西方動物倫理學說有初步的認識與了解。在了解之於並能尊重這樣的倫理觀點,而改變對待動物的態度,並為人與動物之間找到最適相處之道。 第一章簡要說明個人研究動機與研究目的,並說明辛格的動物倫理關懷與黎根的動物權利理論是本文主要研究的方向,並且述明本論文所依循的研究方法。 第二章最主要以辛格「動物解放」的倫理關懷理論為研究對象,敘述辛格理論的依據-效益主義:依據行為的後果來論斷行為對錯的主義,並且有其計算行為效益的一套方式。接著說明辛格的主張-平等的利益考量,是辛格將道德的關懷由人類推進到人類身邊的動物的重要主張。然後說明了效益主義的價值觀以做為黎根理論比較的依據。 第三章以黎根的動物權利理論為主,說明黎根理想的道德判斷及建構「權利觀點」中的原則,如:「尊重原則」與「傷害原則」等。再分析個體的義務,有間接義務和直接義務之區別。再說明黎根最重要的論證依據-本有價值及生命主體。人擁有本有價值根據人是生命的主體動物,動物也是自己生命的主體,因而動物也擁有值得人們予以尊重的「本有價值」。個。因此動物應以尊重其本有價值的方式對待之。 第四章 黎根對辛格「動物解放」倫理思想的批判包含平等原則的批判、「總和式理論」觀點的批判、「最小傷害原則」和「間接影響」計算之批判、平等原則與效益原則不相容的批判。 本文最後簡述黎根和辛格理論的要點,並提出為文對台灣社會動物關懷的期許。


The purpose of this thesis is to compared Peter Singer’s theory about animal liberation with Regan’s theory of animal rights. This paper hoped can let more people have the preliminary understanding to the western animal ethics theory and may change the treatment animal''s manner. The Chapter 1 in this dissertation describes briefly my personal research motive and academic research principle. This article is to research Peter Singer’s theory and Regan’s theory . Chapter 2 in this dissertation describes briefly Peter Singer’s theory about animal liberation. Singer believes that some animals can suffer, and the avoidance of sufferings is a fundamental interest for being. He uses the “equal consideration of interests” as a basic requirement for quality and the ultimate principle of ethics. In ethical considerations, the same degree of suffering of different species should be taken equally. Chapter 3 in this dissertation describes Regan’s concept of inherent value. He explains why animals possess this value as a subject of a life, and thus possess the right of life. This right also establishes the direct duties of human beings to animals. Chapter 4 in this dissertation describes Regan’s criticism of Singer’s theory that animals are the receptacle of wilities and leads from Singer’s defense of benefits of animals to the subsequent discussion on Regan’s theory of animal rights. Finally the thesis is to arouse the public concern’s on animal right, and to amend the mankind’s irrational attitude and ill treatment to the animals.


江麗美(譯), Louis Pojman(著),2001,《生與死:現代道德困境的挑戰》(Lifeand Death: Grappling with the Moral Dilemmas of Our Time,1995),台北:桂冠, 初版一刷。
王瑞菁,2007,《辛格論動物解放》,中壢:國立中央大學 哲學研究所碩士論文。
劉璧美,2007,《論湯姆.黎根 的強動物權立場》,中壢:國立中央大學 哲學研究所碩士論文。


