  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 王存國


2009年中國大陸汽車銷售量達到1,364萬輛,並超越日本和美國,成為世界第一大汽車市場,飛速成長的中國大陸汽車需求量,促使各國大型車廠都將中國大陸視為最重要的市場,隨著市場競爭者的增加及中國人工成本的提高,在競爭激烈的環境下,各國大型車廠大多有一套完善的優勢管理制度,使在地主國的營運得以順利成長。 台灣汽車市場內需不足成長有限,因此勢必須要對外擴張,如何在海外公司建構的過程中,透過管理的手段與政策,營造出自身企業的競爭優勢以滿足顧客的需求,進而創造員工、股東的最大價值與權益,是相當關鍵的議題。 生產系統通常結合著各種的生產方式或改善技術如TQM、TPM、JIT或精實生產等,這些理論基礎大多已被驗證過有助於提昇製造績效,本研究以一個跨國合資企業為研究個案,嘗試對個案公司的建置的過程中,架構出精實的管理體系,研究的結論歸納如下: 「生」的技術決定了生產工廠先天的體質,初期生產系統的建構,配合組織的運作與生產的政策,以人力資源與標準化作為生產的共同基礎,同時利用TQM、JIT、TPM的生產哲學支援公司的品質、車流、物流、設備的基礎技術,奠定量產營運的生產方式。「養」的技術,則著重以人為本的持續改善文化,以改善循環徹底消除浪費,標準化的基石維持改善效果,作為生產系統推動的理念,進行內部體質的強化,以達成品質、交期與成本的目標。 透過研究分析後,以精實管理的基礎,回歸原點作思考,歸納出一套生產系統,提供企業內部一個整合性的管理架構。同時生產工廠的建構初期,將精實生產理念融入於工廠的佈置當中,以奠定日後管理及未來擴張的挑戰。


mobile market. China recently has become the largest automobile market in the world beyond Japan and United States. Major automobile companies in the world all see China as the most important market due to its rapid growth. These companies have developed a perfect management system for automobile manufacturing that can help them operate efficiently and effectively in a highly competitive environment. Due to limited domestic automobile market, Taiwanese automobile companies often seek oversea markets for expansion. However, how Taiwanese automobile companies can use appropriate management tools and policies to build up their oversea capabilities and smooth manufacturing processes is a critical issue. The production system is a variety of production methods and improvement technologies such as TQM, TPM, JIT, and Lean Production. Most of these methods and technologies have been proven for manufacturing performance improvement. Based on these methods and technologies, this study tries to investigate the content of the production system established by a joint venture company through a case study. The results are summarized as follows: "Birth" technology determines the foundation of a production plant. The quality of manufacturing processes depends on whether a company can develop a common foundation to support human resources and standardization in the early stage, and use TQM, JIT, and TPM to create the production system for the management of quality, process, logistics and equipment. "Nurture" technology is the key for a production system. The philosophy of such a production system is continuous improvement that enhances internal constitution, and the human-central philosophy is also critical to eliminate waste and enhance standardization in order to achieve the objectives of quality, delivery and cost. Based on the concepts of lean production, we further propose an integrated management framework, contributing to companies that attempt to establish a new firm and production lines oversea.


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