  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 邱慈觀


近年來,全球氣候變遷異常劇烈、能資源短缺以及跨國界環境問題日益嚴重,已讓全球面臨艱辛的挑戰,許多必須與市場機制結合之全球性環保標準或規範因應而生,產業界雖須面臨下游客戶額外綠色採購要求所造成壓力及負擔,然也帶來許多綠色創新的機會及新的商業模式,目前雖有綠色工廠相關行為或行動,但對於綠色工廠之推動仍處於起步階段,且尚無ㄧ完整雛型,實為相當可惜之處。而液晶顯示產業是我國政府推動二兆雙星計畫中的其中一項計畫,在產政學研的齊力推動下,已經有很好的基礎。但面對未來環境的發展與市場變遷及競爭者的挑戰,綠色經營與創新或許是個很好的方向。 而本研究推動之「我國液晶顯示產業推動綠色工廠狀況」可使相關產業決策者得以研擬綠色永續管理策略,提升液晶顯示產業永續競爭優勢,另可使我國有機會藉由發展綠色工廠,躍身為國際環保標準制定之先驅。未來產業高階主管可藉由該評估系統指標項目評估產業進行生產活動時,對於環境、經濟與社會面向之整合,以瞭解產業執行綠色經營之情形。 整體而言,液晶顯示產業於綠色工廠相關系統認證之努力,比起其他相關環境管理系統仍有很大的進步空間,綠色工廠認證制度後續演進及高科技廠房研究方向端看未來努力之狀況。


In recent years, global climate change, severe abnormalities, as well as the shortage of energy resources, the growing cross-border environmental issues, which have allowed the world is facing difficult challenges, many of the market mechanism must be combined with the global response to environmental standards or norms born, although the industry must face the green procurement requirements of downstream customers caused additional stress and burden, then it also brings many opportunities for green innovation and new business models, although the current green plant-related behaviors or actions, but for promoting green factory is still in its infancy, in fact, quite a pity that place. The LCD industry is our government pushing two trillion binary plan which a program in political science research and the production of homogeneous power driven, has a good foundation. But in the face of future developments and challenges in the market environment changes and competitors, green business and innovation may be a good direction In this study, to promote the "green industry to promote our LCD factory condition" allows decision makers to develop related industries, green and sustainable management strategies to enhance the LCD industry sustainable competitive advantage, the other can have the opportunity to be the development of green plant , awarded by the pioneers of international environmental standards. Overall LCD industry in the Green Factory Certification of efforts related systems compared to other relevant environmental management system is still much room for improvement, follow-up study of the evolution of green plants and high-tech plant certification system in the direction of the end of the effort to see the situation in the future.


11. 許家榮,2008,「高科技廠房水資源管理研究-提昇製程用水回收率影響因素探討」,國立我國大學土木工程所營建工程與管理組碩士論文。
12. 曾香斐,2011,「綠色工廠框架與清潔生產指標訂定之研究」,碩士論文,國立台北科技大學環境工程與管理研究所。
7. 陳建男,2010,「綠色高科技廠房評估系統之研究」,碩士論文,國立成功大學建築研究所。
10. 黃恆傑,2008,「高科技廠房綠建築設計指標可行性分析」,碩士論文,國立我國大學土木工程所營建工程與管理組。
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