  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 鄭有為


品牌一直是我國官方及企業想要發展企業升級的一個方向,也藉此希望能達到台灣產業升級之目標。然而反觀相關文獻,主要討論或集中於品牌經營及品牌利益部份,或則以法律角度討論商標法細部如混淆誤認判斷標準等法律觀點探討。鮮少以實際第一線品牌經營者即企業角度進行討論文章。本文作者嘗試以第一線品牌經營者即企業角度,討論品牌經營實務及實務趨勢,並討論品牌對廠商意義。且以美國及台灣訴訟案件來進一步討論,以企業經營品牌角度觀察,現有關於品牌保護制度,是否仍足以符合第一線經營者需求。 本文分為五章,首先由緒論確認本文研究架構及研究目的。第二章首先討論品牌與商標定義差距,並且從經濟面向及企業面相討論經營品牌對於企業效益。並以品牌經營角度,確認時間因素對於品牌發展之效果。第三章具體討論品牌與商標定義差距,並且討論企業經營品牌重要要件。第四章討論我國對於品牌保護制度,並以企業經營品牌角度,討論公平交易法、商標法及民事訴訟體例關係、判斷依據及救濟相關制度,最後就前述討論做出結論及趨勢討論。


“Brand” has always been one of our government and enterprises’ means for upgrading the enterprises, and, hopefully, the industry. Most researches, however, focus on its development and benefits, or discuss relevant legal issues such as the criteria for determining the “likelihood of confusion” as prescribed in the Trademark Act. Few studies are conducted from the viewpoint of brand managers on the first line (i.e. the enterprises). As such, this study sought to discuss the practice and trend of brand development and its meaning to enterprises from the aforementioned perspective. The study also took lawsuits in the United States and Taiwan as examples to discuss from perspective of enterprise brand development if existing brand protection mechanism is sufficient for these brand managers. This paper has been divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 set forth the structure and objective of this study. Chapter 2 started with a discussion on the discrepancies between the definition of brand and logo, and on the benefits of brand development to enterprises from an economic and corporate perspective, followed by the effect of the time factor. Chapter 3 discussed the aforementioned discrepancies in a more concrete way and critical factors of brand development for enterprises. Chapter 4 covers brand protection laws and regulations in Taiwan, and a review, from the enterprises’ brand development perspective, of the systematic relationship, determination criteria, and relevant relief mechanism between Fair Trade Act and the Trademark Act. The last chapter concluded discussion set forth above and discussed future trends.


brand trademark product cycle cost time factor air trade act rademark act


3. 商標法修正對照表2011/05/31
7. 智慧財產局,經濟部經授智字第10120030550號令「商標法第30條第1項第11款著名商標保護審查基準」,2012/7/1
4. 「黑人牙膏v白人牙膏」公平交易案件,最高行政法院,89年度判字第2549號判決
7. 「黑人牙膏v白人牙膏」最高行政法院, 96年度判字第400號判決
16. 最高行政法院,90年度判字第1846號判決
