  • 學位論文


Performance Management of Administration Staff in Higher Education- A Case Study of One National University

指導教授 : 黃同圳 鄭晉昌


近年來,大專校院高度擴張,因應我國高等教育面臨少子化危機,高等教育機構處於競爭激烈的環境。因此,各大專校院皆藉由各式評鑑方式提升辦學績效。其中「檢核及提升行政服務品質之作法」更為校務治理與經營項目之重要評鑑指標,各校則以落實考績制度等措施,建立服務品質配套控管機制,提升整體服務效能。 本研究之目的在於瞭解個案學校行政人員之績效管理制度之推行狀況,並透過績效管理流程,檢視與診斷個案學校目前的績效管理制度規劃及執行與績效管理成效之關係,進而了解個案學校行政人員對於當前績效管理制度之滿意程度。 本研究採個案研究方式,以某國立研究型大學為例,輔以問卷調查,針對個案學校行政人員中之公務人員以及契僱人員發放份問卷,共發放295份問卷,總計回收183份有效問卷,利用迴歸分析,以績效管理流程之商訂績效內容、持續性的績效管理、績效面談、績效評核以及績效給薪、訓練與發展為自變項,整體績效管理制度的滿意度作為依變項,探討績效管理流程中各個構面是否對整體績效管理制度的滿意度有解釋與預測能力,並透過敘述性統計分析,說明個案學校績效管理制度實施之現況。 研究結果顯示,績效面談越妥適、績效評核實施公平性越確實以及績效管理與後續績效給薪、訓練與發展結合越密切關聯,整體績效管理制度的滿意度越高。本研究也發現個案學校之績效管理制度尚有改善之空間,故針對績效管理流程之五個構面提出具體建議,以供個案學校作為改善績效管理制度之參考。


In recent years, the number of universities and colleges increased dramatically. The shortage of children is an unavoidable trend towards the future. The institutions of higher education are in a competitive environment. Each institution of higher education makes an attemp to upgrade the performance with the performance evaluation. To review and upgrade the quality of administrative service is a main indicator of performance evaluation. On a purpose to realize the current status of the implementation of performance management system, the research adopted a performance evaluation questionnaire to investigate the administration staff’s satisfaction of performance management system. The investigated objects are those administration staff in one national university in Taiwan. 295 questionnaires had been distributed and retrieved 207 copies. The total valid samples are 183 copies. It results a return rate of 70.2% and 62% respectively. The analysis tools of Correlation Analysis, analysis of variance, and hierarchical regression analysis were applied. With the completion of this study, the comments and suggestions were provided as the foundation for improving the process of performance management system. Furthermore, theoretical and practical implications of these results were discussed for future application.


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