  • 學位論文

探討弱連結對推薦效果的影響 -以旅遊業為例

Applying weak tie theory to investigate the effect of friends’ recommendation on vacation destinations

指導教授 : 許秉瑜


摘要 近年來,旅遊業與社群網站的蓬勃發展,各種類型的旅遊相關之社群網站相 繼設立,若要能緊緊抓住用戶們的關注,旅遊社群業者應當從龐大的網路資訊中 提供客制化且準確的旅遊推薦訊息給各用戶,換言之,業者們必須直搗使用者心 坎,推薦並提供給使用者最有價值的建議,幫助使用者與最少的訊息共存,才能 讓用戶們創造出較佳的旅遊決定,藉此增進業者的營收。 然而,以往的文獻與研究所使用的推薦機制皆須在使用者有過選擇的紀錄後, 才能計算出要推薦的選項,但這樣的推薦機制卻無法跟上變化萬千的旅遊業。此 外,過往針對推薦機制上的研究較無考慮到人們在做決策時,關鍵因素之一便是 參考「口碑」,因此,本研究以人際關係程度-強連結與弱連結作為推薦用戶之 旅遊景點的考量因素,並比較該用戶之友誼的親疏程度對於最終該用戶對旅遊選 擇的影響力為何,又因Granovetter 學者指出「人際關係中弱連結扮演的是資訊 傳遞的要角」,所以本研究將以此假設為基礎,進一步探討弱連結的朋友是否扮 演重要的旅遊決策之影響角色。 本研究結果顯示出,弱連結的朋友比強連結的友人更具有旅遊資訊影響力, 換言之,用戶在搜尋新資訊時,會較傾向參考平時較疏遠的朋友之意見,因為這 些弱連結的朋友們掌握了不同領域的資訊,且這些關鍵資訊與該用戶較不重疊, 因此這些資訊的擁有者便能對該用戶佔有較高的影響力,進而影響使用者在旅遊 上的選擇;另外,本研究中亦證實用戶在選擇旅遊地點上確實會受到朋友推薦的 而產生變化,代表人際關係因素必須被考慮進旅遊地點推薦系統內,且弱連結的 朋友群必須給予更高的加權值! 關鍵字:弱連結、社群網站、口碑、推薦


弱連結 社群網站 口碑 推薦


ABSTRACT Nowadays, the tourism industry and social network have grown rapidly, all kinds of travel websites have been set up. To get the users' attention, the tourism websites should provide customized and accurate travel recommendations for their users and help them make better travel decisions. However, previous recommendations required the user’s browsing history records to generate recommended travel options. But this mechanism is not suit able for the tourism industry, because travel information is continuously updating. In addition, when people make travel decisions they will seek information through "word of mouth". This is the key point to why previous recommendation methods are not useful now. Therefore, this study uses friendships degree - strong and weak ties as recommendation elements, and compares the degree of friendships on influencing the end user’s on travel decisions. Granovetter (1983) pointed out, "The weak ties play a salient job for information derives". So this study is based on his argument, and further explores whether the weak ties play an important role in travel decisions. This study’s results showed that when users plan travel destinations they will be affected by their friend’s recommendations. In addition, this study proves that the weak ties have more influence on the end user’s travel decision than strong ties. In other words, when users search for travel information, they tend to take advice from acquaintances into consideration, because their information does not overlap with the end user. Hence, friends in weak ties have more influential effect the user’s travel choices. So, friendships factor should be considered within the travel recommendation system. Beside, friends in weak ties should be taken into higher consideration! Keywords: Weak ties, Social network, Word of mouth, Recommendation




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