  • 學位論文


The Impact of Labor market Flexibility on Economic Growth and Unemployment

指導教授 : 李誠


在台灣,勞動市場彈性化與勞動法規的鬆綁,始終是勞資爭議與政府關注的重要議題。本研究運用世界銀行、菲沙研究院等國際機構所評比,共5年的勞動市場自由度評比與各國GDP、失業率與外資投入等資料進行Panel data的統計分析,希望了解台灣在勞動市場自由度中「招募規範」,為何會被國際評為非常低分,甚至與亞洲其他主要國家相比(如新加坡、日本、南韓等國),台灣在「招募規範」也獲得最低的分數,文中並探討「招募規範」對我國經濟成長、失業與外資投入的影響。 現有研究指出,勞動市場自由度對一國的經濟成長有正向影響,本研究作進一步分析時,發現「招募規範」中「定期契約規範」對經濟成長與外資投入都有顯著正向影響,並能減少失業率,是影響該項目的主因。本研究也對亞洲主要國家的定期契約進行比較,希望可以透過了解各國的實際施行情況,做為政府修法時的參考依據。


Since late 1980 labor market flexibility has been recognized by most scholars and policy makers as one of the major factors in affecting the rate of economic growth as well as the level of employment of a country. In Taiwan although the overall economic flexibility has been ranked rather high by international organizations such as Fraser Institute in Canada and the World Bank, but in the labor market area it has been ranked very low by these two organizations. It is the purpose of this study to investigate whether in fact the labor market flexibility is low in Taiwan and whether such a lack of flexibility affects the rate of economic growth, the level of employment, and the amount of inflow of direct foreign investment in Taiwan. By using the data collected by Fraser Institute and the World Bank from 2007 to 2011, we found that in in the area of hiring, especially in fixed term contract, these regulations have a negative impact on the rate of economic growth, the unemployment rates, and the amount of inflow of foreign direct investment. A small scale of survey was conducted by this author among human resource management in Taiwan and the results are similar to the findings of the Fraser Institute and the World Bank. In this study we also reviewed the fixed-term contract regulations of Taiwan’s neighboring countries, such as Japan, Korea, and Singapore and once more we found the regulations of the fixed-term contract under the current Fair Labor Standards Law are more restrictive than those in our neighboring countries. Therefore there is a need for the government in Taiwan to amend the current regulations of the fixed-term contract under the Fair Labor Standards Law.




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