  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 顏上堯


根據交通部頒訂之公路養護手冊規定,台灣地區橋樑每年必須在規定期程內進行定期檢測,且需要針對橋樑所有的構件進行全面性的檢測。因此,管養單位需要花費龐大的人力、經費與時間來進行全面性的公路橋樑養護工作。而目前橋樑檢測作業排程主要是透過人工指派的方式來進行,此方式主要是仰賴相關決策人員之經驗與主觀判斷,導致缺乏整體系統性的分析與考量,而當面臨龐大的橋樑檢測工作排程時,此人工指派方式可能不具規劃效率,且會造成資源之浪費。有鑑於此,本研究構建一公路橋樑檢測作業排程之模式,以橋樑檢測作業總成本最小化為目標,考量實際橋樑檢測之狀況以及檢測時間限制,並以系統性最佳化之觀點構建一橋樑檢測作業排程規劃之模式。   本研究利用時空網路流動技巧建立此模式,以定式橋樑檢測工作小組於時空中流動之情況,本研究模式為一大型含額外限制之整數網路流動問題,屬NP-Hard問題。在求解方法上,利用C++程式語言配合數學規劃軟體CPLEX進行模式求解,當面臨實務上大型問題時,難以在有限時間內利用數學規劃軟體求得最佳解。緣此,本研究發展一啟發式演算法以有效地求解問題。最後,為評估模式及演算法之實用績效,本研究以苗栗地區橋樑資料以及合理之假設進行範例測試,並針對不同參數進行敏感度分析,結果顯示本模式與演算法在實務上可有效的運用,可提供橋樑管養單位做為橋樑檢測作業規劃之參考。


Based on the road maintenance manual announced by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications in Taiwan, the bridge check must be regularly performed in Taiwan each year. Each bridge check contains the check of all structure components of the bridge. In general, it takes a long period of time and requires a lot of maintenance manpower to perform the bridge check. This means that bridge check scheduling is very complicated. In practice, bridge check scheduling is made mainly based on the personal experience of the decision maker, which lacks the perspective of system optimization and makes formulated bridge check scheduling inefficient. Therefore, the aim of this study is to construct a bridge check scheduling model where the actual bridge check constraints are taken into consideration and the objective is to minimize the total bridge check cost.   In this study, a bridge check scheduling model is developed, where the time-space network flow technique is utilized to formulate the potential movements of bridge check working teams among all bridge check points in the dimensions of time and space. Mathematically, the model is formulated as an integer multiple-commodity network flow problem and is characterized as NP-hard. The C computer language, coupled with the CPLEX mathematical programming software, is employed to solve the problem. Since the problem size is expected to be huge, a solution algorithm based on a problem decomposition/collapsing technique is thus developed to efficiently solve the problem. The numerical tests are performed using the bridge check data associated with Miaoli County, Taiwan. The test results show that the proposed model and solution algorithm could be useful for assigning complicated bridge check and used as a reference for the assignment of the bridge check.


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