  • 學位論文


A study of the relationship between employee potential, task performance ,adaptive performance and promotability ratings: The moderating effects of supervisor goal orientation

指導教授 : 林文政


近年來企業逐漸開始重視人才管理的落實與發展,若組織能建立完善晉升決策流程,並精準地找出關鍵人才,將對組織將產生非常好的正向影響。主管在進行晉升決策時,通常以任務性績效及潛能作為晉升評估指標;然而現今的組織處於迅速變化且複雜的環境,具有不確定性的工作環境適應能力的員工顯得更加重要,因此除了任務性績效及潛能外,適應性績效亦能夠作為晉升力評分的預測指標。除此之外,在過去探討主管及員工個人特質相似性與員工晉升力的相關研究中,鮮少有實證性研究進一步探討主管目標導向作為預測變項進行探討。本研究將主管目標導向作為調節變項,探討與部屬潛能、任務性及適應性績效的交互作用是否會影響晉升力評分。 本研究透過問卷調查台灣與大陸之私人企業,樣本分佈於金融/保險業、高科技製造業、一般製造業、服務業以及其他產業等49家企業,並且問卷設計採用二階段不同時間施測,透過紙本郵寄、電子問卷以及親手轉交。以階層迴歸分析探討員工潛能、任務性績效、適應性績效對主管晉升力評分的解釋力,同時關注於社會要素中的主管目標導向對上述關係間存在的調節效果。研究結果發現,主效果中,無論是潛能或適應性績效皆與晉升力評分呈現正向且顯著的影響;調節效果中,主管的學習目標導向對部屬任務性績效和晉升力評分間具有負向顯著影響,而主管的績效目標導向對部屬適應性績效和晉升力評分間具有正向顯著影響。


Many companies have been paid much attention to talent management practices in recent years. A well-designed process which precisely promotes key talent can have the greatest impact for organizations. Supervisors usually think of task performance and potential as the principle of promotion. However, as the environment becomes more complex and unstable, the required level of employee’s ability to adapt to dynamic work situations is more important. Therefore, adaptive performance could be as indicators of promotability ratings as well. For social context of promotion decisions, less study examine the effects of supervisor goal orientation on employee promotability ratings. Besides discussing the relationship between promotability, task performance, adaptively performance and potential, the moderate effect of supervisor goal orientation is discussed in the research. This study is based on the questionnaire survey of 49 enterprises in China and Taiwan. The findings of our research are listed as following: (1) Results of main effect of regression analysis show that potential and adaptive performance have positive relationship with promotability ratings. (2) The results also indicate learning goal orientation of supervisor negatively moderates the relationship between with employee promotability ratings and task performance. Moreover, performance goal orientation of supervisor positively moderates the relationship between with employee promotability ratings and adaptive performance.


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