

全世界人口高齡化的趨勢已是事實,而台灣人口高齡化的速度已超越歐美國家;可是,台灣的老人照顧服務相關政策與措施,卻仍處於起步階段,以致陸續浮現因人口高齡化所產生的社會問題。隨著時代演進知識水平提昇,即將邁入老年的戰後嬰兒潮的世代,已多屬思想獨立、經濟能力佳、對養兒防老的觀念日漸薄弱。這個世代對於照顧服務已經不再是求有的階段,而是將會希望達到預防保健、樂活養老的優質活躍老化生活品質。這世代觀念的改變,將對未來台灣銀髮產業發展有相當大的變革影響。 台灣未來幾年老化人口呈倍數成長,銀髮產業市場商機可期,面對此一商機,本研究提出「社區、在宅介護」的創業計畫。計畫主要核心為一個創新商業模式,聚焦在老人社區照顧服務的在地老化服務。 本計畫分析了台灣未來高齡人口的成長趨勢,探討台灣老人照顧相關法令限制與問題,以及機構照顧供過於求的產業現況進行。同時分析高齡人口對長期照顧的需求,並藉由最新在地老化理念與社區照顧經營模式進行分析,作為創業策略構想規劃之參考依據。經過商業模式、SWOT、產業週期等分析,針對本身的劣勢與威脅擬定因應之策略,並展開本個案的策略構想,以及細部營運計畫。最後,經由可行性分析,驗證本案的可行性。初步驗證本案在多方面皆為可行,同時獲利機率相當高,未來將以本計畫構想為藍本,募集資金進行創業。


The problem of population aging has become a global phenomenon. In particular, Taiwan is one of the countries in the world having the fastest growth rate in population aging. However, Taiwan’s elderly care services and related governmental regulations and policies are still in its infancy, thus resulting in many aging related social problems. In Taiwan, post-war baby boomers will soon enter the old age. They are in general better educated than their fathers, have better economic status, and tend to think independently. As a result, the long upheld societal concept of “rearing children for old age” dwindles. The new generation of seniors is no longer satisfied with the availability of “elder care” services, but goes a step further in asking for better services in preventive health care, and in LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) quality of retired life. These basic changes bring along a set of different opportunities in the silver-haired markets and industries in Taiwan. Taking advantage of this new opportunity, this study proposes a new business startup plan, focusing in community and in-home senior care, so that seniors can live their remaining years locally, instead of moving to an unfamiliar nursing home. This study starts out with an analysis of the trend in the aging population, and exploring elder-care related legislation and regulations, as well as the phenomenon of oversupply in institutional elder care in Taiwan. We next look into the requirements of elder-care from the perspective of the elderly population, and also study the latest concept of aging locally and community care business models. These form the foundation of our basic strategic roadmap. In addition, we conducted analysis in business models, SWOT, industrial life cycles, etc., to better understand our weaknesses and threats. These become the basis of our detailed operational plan. Finally, we conducted a feasibility analysis to verify the viability of our proposal. The plan proved feasible, with high probability of profitability. Our next step is to carry out actions outlined in the proposal, and start fund raising for the startup.


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