  • 學位論文

基於程式碼生成、Java 內容倉庫及虛擬機器之 物聯網設備轉接流程

Adaptation Process of Internet of Things Devices Based on Code Generation, Java Content Repository and Virtual Machine

指導教授 : 李允中


隨著科技的進步,網路、個人電腦、行動裝置的普及,以及大量小型裝 置(Device)和感測器(Sensor)的布建,使物聯網(Internet of Things)的技術和 市場日趨成熟。隨著物聯網規模的擴大,許多的物聯網中介軟體(IoT Middleware)也陸續被提出。 然而目前大多數的物聯網中介軟體是針對特定領域所設計(例如針對農 業、工廠管理、智慧家庭),而不具備跨領域之特性。另外,在裝置及感測 器方面,由於市面上有許多不同製造商所提供的裝置及感測器,其功能、連 接方式、使用環境、使用方法等皆有相當大之差異。最後,安裝並且連接這 些裝置到系統中是非常耗時且複雜的程序。 我們在本論文中將參考「基於 BPEL 之服務轉接器引擎」[1]中的裝置 轉接器,並且以程式碼生成器(Code Generator)、Java 內容倉庫(Java Content Repository)、虛擬機器(Virtual Machines)作為基礎,實作一個 Interoperation Middleware,並根據此系統提出一個物聯網設備轉接流程, 此流程能夠使目前市面上的裝置及感測器可以更快、更有效率地連接至物 聯網中介軟體,降低流程的複雜程度,減去不必要的人力、硬體負擔以及所 消耗的時間。


With the blossom of Internet of Things, more and more IoT devices such as sensors, actuators have been developed and produced. As a result, there are many IoT Middleware were proposed recently. Although the amount of IoT Middleware is increasing quickly, there are many issues can be found in the existing IoT Middleware. First, most the existing IoT Middleware were developed for specific domains which are like agriculture, factory management, smart home…, instead for a general domain. Second, the IoT devices are varied in many aspects. For example, the functionality, the communication protocol for connecting, the environment and ways for using are all different between every devices. At last, the process of installation of IoT devices and establishing connections between system and devices is time consuming and complex. To solve the above problems, we referenced the Device Adapter in “Design and Implementation of an Adapter Engine for Composing IoT Devices based on BPEL”[1] and used Java Content Repository, Virtual Machine and Code Generator to implement a middleware, Interoperation Middleware, which is used to propose a adaptation process of Internet of Things devices. The process makes ease of adapting IoT devices to the IoT middleware. It can also reduce the complexity, time consumption, and resources in the original adaptation process.




[1] W.T. Chiu, "Design and Implementation of an Adapter Engine for Composing
IOT Devices based on BPEL." 2013.
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International Conference on. IEEE, 2006.
[3] Spiess, Patrik, et al. "SOA-based integration of the internet of things in
