  • 學位論文


On the study of OpenFlow Switch-based Middlebox Deployment Management Mechanism

指導教授 : 陳奕明


隨著雲端網路環境的蓬勃發展,有越來越多企業採用雲端運算架構來提供服務,因此服務的安全與效能也逐漸成了重要的議題。企業為了確保提供的應用服務與內部網路的安全性,往往透過安全設備或Middlebox進行封包的處理。雖然安全需求帶來龐大商機,但隨著網路環境更趨複雜,也帶來了部署(Deployment)管理的問題。部署Middlebox往往帶來龐大的維護開銷,而傳統以人工方式管理Middlebox,容易造成不必要的設置錯誤。 為了解決部署管理問題,已有許多研究開始將現有的網路骨幹搭配史丹佛大學所開發的OpenFlow網路搭建出軟體定義網路平台,藉由其控制與資料傳輸功能解構的架構下,滿足對網路管理的需求,但平台上仍需要改善對於Middlebox控管能力的問題。本研究將基於OpenFlow交換機實現Middlebox部署管理機制(MBDM),藉由迪科斯徹(Dijkstra's)最短路徑演算法的計算,簡化流量導向到Middlebox的複雜性,同時讓使用者能參與安全控制,滿足安全管理需求。本研究所提出的Middlebox部署管理機制(MBDM),經過實驗證明了透過軟體定義網路進行部署的可行性,並且能夠容納使用者的安全政策需求,將流量導入到正確的Middlebox處理。


With the rapid development of cloud computing environment, it become more and more important for enterprises to adopt cloud computing architecture to provide services. In order to ensure security of services and enterprise network, appliances or middlebox were usually adopted to process packets. Although the security requirements bring enormous business opportunities, it also brings the deployment management issues. Because deployment of middlebox often caused huge maintenance overhead costs, and manual manage of middlebox often caused misconfiguration error. In order to address the deployment management issues, there are many academic literatures start to use the existing network backbone with OpenFlow switch to build a Software-Defined Networking (SDN) platform. Our study presents the Middlebox Deployment Mechanism (MBDM). MBDM could simplify redirect flow into middlebox by Dijkstra's algorithm, while allowing users to participate in security controls to meet the security requirements. The MBDM we proposed has been proven feasibility of deployment management by using software-defined network and be able to accommodate the user's security policy requirements to redirect the flow into Middlebox.


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