  • 學位論文

Web 2.0 英語學習活動之學生心流與學習動機歷程研究

The Evolution of Flow and Learning Motivation in Web 2.0 EFL Learning Activity

指導教授 : 劉晨鐘


學習者的英語能力差距過大是教學現場的問題之一,且台灣學生在學習英語時缺少適當的練習情境,造成其在英語朗讀能力上較不足。基於教學現場及台灣學生在英語學習上的問題,在本研究中提出使用Web 2.0英語學習活動,讓學生透過數位說故事及同儕合作的方式,建立一個以學生為主的英語學習環境,期望藉由此學習方式提升學生的英語學習成效及學習動機,並深入探討學生在長期的Web 2.0英語學習活動中學生心流經驗與學習動機的變化歷程。 從研究結果中發現在此學習活動後,學生的英語學習成效、學習動機皆呈現顯著提升。學生的英語詞彙及英語朗讀能力上成長,隨著活動參與次數的增加,學生對於學習活動的動機漸漸成長,推測原因為學生掌控自我的學習、學習活動中的發表及同儕的討論下,對於其英語學習成效和自信心產生影響,進而提升在各項度的動機上升。 整體而言,在長期的學習活動過程中,學生的心流主要呈現W形,從研究中可以得知學生在於科技融入學習活動初期,在控制力、專注力、好奇心及內在興趣上呈現下降的趨勢,並呈現3個階段,分別為退潮階段、嘗試復甦階段及穩定復甦階段,好奇心變動周期較長,學生的好奇心可能因初期的科技新奇效應消失。隨著活動過程中,老師及發表活動的引導與激勵下,學生的學習漸入佳境,營造出愉悅的學習環境,進而提升學生的學習感受、學習動機及學習成效。此外,在研究中發現學生在Web 2.0英語學習活動初期,其心流經驗及學習動機漸漸低落,如教學者須將科技融入教學現場時,建議教學者在於學習活動初期可以提供協助與輔助學習者學習的鷹架,使學生能在更加愉悅的學習環境中進行學習。


Several situations have appeared in the classroom regarding English language learning. For instance, there is a big gap of English ability between the high achievement and low achievement students. Additionally, a lack of an appropriate learning situation leads students to have difficulties in English learning. To this end, an empirical study was conducted in the study to examine how Web 2.0 affected the students' English learning. In other words, the Web 2.0 English learning activity was employed to create a student-centered environment, which can let the students create the story and collaborate with each other in a digital environment. By doing so, this study expected the students' English learning performance and motivation would be improved. Furthermore, within a long-term study design, the flow and learning motivation were examined to see how Web 2.0 English learning activity would influence the students' English learning. The results from this study showed that the students' learning performance and motivation were significantly improved after engaging in the Web 2.0 English learning activity. The students’ English vocabulary and English oral reading ability were enhanced. Regarding the learning motivation, it was also improved by participating in the Web 2.0 English learning activity. On the other hand, the students' flow experience, in terms of control, attention focus, curiosity and intrinsically interesting, were decreased in the beginning of Web 2.0 English learning activity. In the long-term Web 2.0 English learning activity, students’ flow experience were divided into three stages of ebb, try to recovery and stabilized recovery by the 19 times of data collection. However, the students' flow experience was significantly improved in the end of Web 2.0 English learning activity. The results suggested that Web 2.0 English learning activity was beneficial to advance the students' English learning performance, motivation and flow experience. The results from this study are used to support the further development of Web 2.0 English learning activity, which can support both instructor and students to create more joyful English learning environment. In addition, if the instructors used the technology in the class, this study suggested that the instructors can provide scaffolding to assist students on English learning.


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