  • 學位論文

應用行產生法求解考量交通壅塞時間與 軟時間窗格之車輛途程問題

Using Column Generation to Solve the Vehicle Routing Problem with Soft Time Window and Traffic Congestion Time

指導教授 : 葉英傑 博士




This paper discusses a column generation for the Vehicle Routing Problem subject to soft time window restriction. In this problem, earliness or lateness is allowed although a penalty is incurred and added to solution cost whenever a vehicle serves a customer outside of his time window, and generate traffic congestion within a specific time. Both of them increase the complications of the problem and hard to find feasible solution. We present a column generation algorithm which is the exact optimization algorithm for this problem and then the branch and price help us optimization the result. In the linear programming column represents the route, and construct subproblem to generate new route for improve the answer and use state-space relaxation for dynamic programs to solve it and then we calculate different size of hard time windows problem that is from “Solomon benchmark problems”.


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