  • 學位論文

跨國企業如何把高科技產品賣給新興市場 - 以通用電器在印度醫材市場為例

指導教授 : 王弓 張明宗


本研究探討為何有些西方大型跨國企業在擁有充分資源、先進技術及眾多專家情況下,經過多年嘗試仍無法打造出符合新興市場需求的產品。 本研究針對通用電器在印度醫材市場的個案進行研究,比較個案企業組織能力在新興市場成功前後有何差異,並透過理論歸納出背後邏輯。本研究之目的為找出跨國企業在新興市場成功所必須具備之組織能力。本研究發現,部分跨國企業無法成功打進新興市場主要原因,並非廠商不瞭解新興市場的需求或不夠積極,也非資源不足或欠缺必要技術。問題可能是出在,企業過去成功的流程與價值觀在新興市場不再適用。這是因為企業內部掌控組織資源分配、員工考績內容的高階主管不夠重視新興市場,以至於企業無法在當地建立起適合的流程以及凝聚團隊目標。


This study researches into why some large multinationals have sufficient resources, advanced technology and many experts in case, but after years of attempts are still unable to create a product which can meet the requirements of emerging market demand. Researcher chooses to study the case of GE in India ECG market. By comparing differences between before and after the success of emerging markets cases of organizational capabilities, and summed up by the theory behind the logic. The study found that to succeed in emerging markets , besides resources, processes and values are also essential. Changing organizational structure is a feasible and necessary approach.


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