  • 學位論文

客家再移民在地化研究 -以草屯張家為例

指導教授 : 蔡芬芳




In the Japanese Occupation Period, since the Hakka in Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli were increasing and there was a shortage of cultivated land, they left the original domiciles and moved to Kaohsiung, Pingtung, Nantou and Hualien. Some migrants were voluntary and some were under governmental incentives. The subjects of this study are the Chang family, and they are included among these migrants. More than 80 years ago (1920s), the Chang family moved from Tunghaiku of Jhubei to Tucheng area of Caotun, Nantou. As to uniqueness of the Chang family in Caotun, in comparison to other Hakka who have become Holo in Caotun, they are the only family having Hakka proficiency and Hakka customs. According to the findings, the Chang family in Caotun have strong family identity, and it influences their maintenance of Hakka ethnic identity in Caotun. It demonstrates a close relationship between family identity and ethnic identity. However, attention should be paid to the difference of family and ethnic identity in generations. Localization of the Chang family in Tucheng of Caotun is demonstrated in sacrifices to gods and tomb sweeping of Tucheng, intermarriage, Minnan-Hakka relationship, land ownership, localized customs, relationship with family of local land owner Haung Chun-fan and relationship with local Hakka and religious activities.


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