  • 學位論文


Rsearch to Integrate Road-Smoothing Project with Pipeline Engineering-A case of Taipei city

指導教授 : 林志棟 陳建達


國內經濟發展日漸繁榮,城鄉發展快速,人民追求較高的生活品質水準相對提升,配合政府各項重大公共工程建設,電力、電信、自來水、污水、瓦斯等等管線需求增加,每個管線單位皆以各自利益為優先考量,佈建各自的地下管線,導致道路挖掘案件不斷增加,一旦道路需要增設、拆遷、維修及擴充管線都必須透過開挖方式進行作業,使得整體的道路品質下降。 提升每年為數眾多的零星挖掘案件品質可大幅改善對道路的影響,管溝回填的材料要使用高工作性、早強型的CLSM材料才能提升路基品質,假修復的AC面層若壓實度不足在二次銑鋪階段必須全部刨除,管線必須埋設到規範深度才能避免對面層的破壞,並且將臺北市各區主要道路分區做整合性的區域開挖,能夠降低道路反覆挖掘次數,導入三級品管制度加強施工單位自主要求,提升路平專案的施工成效。 挖掘案件完工後必須整合各單位的圖資並建立在臺北市的道路管理系統,最後路權單位可選用高精度的非破壞性檢測儀器F5做為查驗管線埋設深度之辦法,增加抽查數量,加強整體管線施工品質,路平專案執行之成效亦會大幅提升。


As the internal economic grows, urban and rural areas expand, people are looking for better living quality. In order to make people live better, the government starts several underground constructions for expanding the supplication of electricity, telecommunications, tap-water and gasoline; or make sewage disposal more efficient. The projects mentioned above are all related to setting up, removing, repairing and expanding pipes or networks underground. However, each department develops their own network based on their own advantages, which makes the underground pipe system arbitrary and not united. Once there’s any variation to make, it could only be done by digging up holes on the road. These excavations level down the smoothness of general roadways. To better the quality of the roadways, we can start from making each excavation better by taking notice of the following details. Use more efficient and early-strength CLSM ingredients to stabilize the base course of roadways. Reclaim all the provisional repaired asphalt concrete surface courses. Pipes have to be set up to the standard depth to avoid the destruction of surface courses. Mapping out the main roads in different districts in Taipei city and integrate excavation plans to diminish repeatedly digging. Lead in three-level quality management system to reinforce the quality management of construction department, and make road-smoothing project more efficient. Organize the information from every department of the project after it’s done and build up a data base of it in the roadway administer system of Taipei city. Finally, Right of Way Section can use high accurate but non-destructive measure instrument F5 to detect the depth of the pipes and do it frequently to make the overall network construction quality better, and further, effect the execution of road-smoothing project.


