  • 學位論文


L’écriture de l’itinérance: L’Usage du monde de Nicolas Bouvier

指導教授 : 林德祐


尼古拉˙布維耶 (Nicolas Bouvier) 是瑞士二十世紀旅行文學的翹楚,在他眾多著作中,1963年出版的《世界之用》是其最知名也最具代表性的作品。它除了描述作者於1953年至1954年間開車穿越歐洲大陸到阿富汗的旅行經驗外,也濃縮了作者的思想歷程與人生哲學。不同於傳統的旅行文學,這部作品採用了文字與圖像的雙軌敘事來呈現這段驚奇的旅程。本論文試圖以漫遊的概念分析《世界之用》的書寫風格與敘事結構,全文分為三部分。論文首章著眼於旅行文學的傳統與革新,藉由歷史脈絡的梳理,重新定義與釐清瑞士旅行文學的定位及影響。第二章則根據文本的敘事結構,從空間、時間與圖像三方面進行探討和剖析,以期深入作者的創作核心與呼應漫遊的旅行概念。第三章則談論感官在作品中扮演的角色,透過身體的感知,世界在讀者眼中以一種全新的姿態鋪展開來,而身體的病痛與旅行的境遇,則形塑了作者的旅行哲思,並消彌了本我與他者間的藩籬。


漫遊 布維耶 旅行文學 世界 瑞士


Nicolas Bouvier is one of significant Swiss travel writer in the twentieth century, in his numerous works, L’Usage du monde, published in 1963, is the best-known and most representative work. In addition to its description of travel experience driving across continental Europe to Afghanistan during 1953-1954, L’Usage du monde also concentrated on the author's thinking process and philosophy of life. Unlike traditional travel literature, this work uses a dual narrative (text and illustration) to present his amazing journey. This paper attempts to analyze the concept of roaming, especially its writing style and narrative structure. This dissertation is divided into three parts. The first chapter focus on the tradition and innovation of travel literature, tracing through historical context, redefine and clarify the position and influence of Swiss travel literature. The second chapter aims to analyze the narrative structure of the text from the space, time and illustrations in order to enter into the heart of creation and correspond to the travel concept with roaming. The third chapter talks about the role of sensation in his writing. Through the sensory perception, the reader is able to observe the world with a different vision. Accidents and illness during the journey construct his travel philosophy and diminish the barriers between the ego and others.




PORCHER, Louis, Tristes tropiques de Lévi-Strauss, Paris, Hatier, 1957.
LÉVI-STRAUSS, Claude, Tristes Tropiques, Paris, Plon, 1955.
I. Œuvres de Nicolas Bouvier
Japon, Lausanne, Rencontre, 1967.
