  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李坤穆


太陽能電池近年來快速發展,其中染料敏化太陽能電池其製備成本低、設備成本便宜,光電轉換效率較不受光強度及入射角度影響等優點備受關注。在本研究中首先透過DSSC模組佈置銀線增加電子收集效果,並藉由銀線設計的改變與電池內部並/串聯方式進行研究。 從小型電池(<1 cm2)進行放大面積的模組製備。在外部面積為150cm2,活性面積達85.44 cm2的並聯DSSC模組(搭配N719)其光電轉換效率可達7.73 %,進而以高效率CYC-B11染料來搭配DSSC模組,光電轉換效率可以提升到8.28 %。 另一方面,設計DSSC模組在單位面積下獲得最大發電量及提升穩定性考量,故以100 cm2蛇型模板製備DSSC元件,並搭配揮發性較低的電解液系統,觀察元件的長時間穩定性。在連續28天的觀察下,以MPN(3-甲氧基丙腈)做為溶劑的電解液穩定性良好,效率僅比起始效率下降1.8 %。進而控制電解液及元件的注入溫度,可以使電解液完全的滲透到工作電極內的孔洞中,對於灌製此類蛇型模板可以有效的解決元件中的氣泡問題。 在元件串聯設計部分,各以外部串聯及內部串聯的方式進行了研究,外部串聯的模組以焊線的的方是連接正負電極,但其缺點就是線路裸露在外部,而內部串聯模組則克服此缺點,藉由雷射切割與銀線高度調整,可到電壓具累加性的高電壓型DSSC模組。在設計五個電極內部串聯,不論是內部串聯或是外部串聯的方式,在開環電壓的表現上皆可以達幾乎無損失之5倍的提升。


Solar cells become popular in recent years. Among these different types of solar cells, dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) is anticipating due to its low cost material, easy and inexpensive fabrication methods. In this study, we put silver grids on the conducting glass substrate (FTO glass) for improving the carrier collection and fabricate large area module DSSCs. The 150 cm2 parallel connected module DSSC with CYC-B11 dye, 8.28 % conversion efficiency with the active area of 85.44 cm2 was achieved. Furthermore, we made a serpentine pattern to fabricate 100 cm2 module DSSC with low-volatile electrolyte. 3-Methoxypropiontrile as solvent of electrolyte shows good stability and the conversion efficiency decrease only 1.8% during 28 days. In addition, control process temperature let electrolyte wholly penetrate into mesoporous TiO2 electrode to reduce mounts of bubbles in the module and showe good stability. On the other hands, the series design of modue DSSCs with N719 dye, whether inter-connection or external-connection, the open-circuit voltage of modules show 5 times improvement and get a conversion efficiency of ~7% under illuminated of 100 mW/cm2.




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