  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃俊鴻


隧道開挖考慮到經濟、開挖效率與地質條件上之限制等問題,現行台灣許多隧道開挖經常使用開炸方式。受自然環境的限制,隧道路線可能鄰近結構物或聚落,隧道開炸施工所產生的地盤震動就可能對鄰近之結構物或住家造成環境公害影響,發生工程糾紛甚至損鄰事件。因此,瞭解開炸震動對周遭環境之影響程度與可行之減震對策是隧道施工重要的考量因素。 本研究為「新烏山嶺引水隧道工程」之前導爆破振動量測試驗,試驗模擬相當於隧道開挖爆破分段起爆之單一及延時最大裝藥量實施爆破,量測爆破時產生之振動量與噪音值,並將量測結果加以分析,分析方法包含振動量衰減曲線分析、傅氏譜以及反應譜比較等,並將量測結果與各國振動管制規範比較,以提供新隧道開挖爆破之開炸設計參考。 經由周密的規劃與動員,本計畫成功量測到大量的爆破振動歷時資料,包括自由場、地上結構物,隧道結構物與及邊坡上測站的振動資料,對瞭解爆炸振動特性具有參考價值。迴歸所得之PGV隨距離衰減的關係,決定係數極高,隧道東口與西口試驗之迴歸關係具有相當的一致性。傅氏譜分析結果發現自由場近域震波之主頻約在50 Hz,以及結構物自然振動的主頻。反應譜分析結果顯示爆破震波對於長週期結構物影響很小。距離震源大於70 m後,振動量即在各國振動規範之振動容許值範圍內。


Considering the cost, the efficiency of constructions, the restriction of geological conditions, and other issues, blasting is generally inevitable for excavation in tunnel constructions. The ground vibration induced by blasting may have some negative effects on surrounding structures and neighborhood. Therefore, understanding the impacts of ground vibration induced by blasting is important to tunnel construction. This study performed a carefully planned field measurement for ground vibration and sound induced by blasting test, the weight of explosive was the equivalent of the latest design in “New Wu-Shan-Ling Headrace Tunnel Project”, so that the influences of this construction can be estimate. The measured data was analyzed to derive the vibration characteristics, including the velocity attenuation relation, Fourier and response spectra. Also, compared measurement results with worldwide vibration criteria. Because of the careful planning and well organized, large amounts of data have been successfully measured. The data include the vibration at free filed, surrounding structures, slopes and the Wu-Shan-Ling headrace tunnel. From the attenuation relationship between PGV and distances, the coefficient of determinations are very high, shows consistency at both east side and west side of tunnel. Fourier spectral analysis founds that free field near by the blasting area has dominant frequency about 50 Hz, also founds the natural vibration frequency of structures. Response spectrum analysis shows that the blasting has small effect on long-period structures. After the distance is greater than 70 m, the ground vibrations are under worldwide acceptance criteria.


[16] 行政院環境保護署,噪音管制法規,行政院環境保護署,民國102年8月。
[17] 張瑞麟,「爆破工程之震動」,地工技術,第61期,67-77頁,民國86年6月。
[1] Dowding, C. H., Blast Vibration Monitoring and Control, Prentice-Hall, Inc., NJ (1985).
[2] Siskind, D. E., Stagg, M. S., Kopp, J. W., and Dowding, C.M., “Structure Response and Damage Produced by Ground Vibration from Surface Mine Blasting,” USBM Report 8507 (1980).
[5] BSI British Standard, “Guide to Evaluation of Human Exposure to Vibration in Buildings-Part 1: Vibration Sources Other Than Blasting,” BS 6472-1 (2008).
