  • 學位論文


Study of motor-induced hemodynamic responses in normal and stroke patients using near-infrared spectroscopy

指導教授 : 李柏磊


隨著現代醫學科技的進步,腦部探索成了很多學者熱門的研究主題。其中腦部造影技術包括腦電波(Electroencephalography, EEG)、腦磁波(Magnetoencephalography, MEG)、電腦斷層攝影(Computed Tomography,CT)和核磁共振(Magnetic Resonance Imaging,MRI)等,近年來更有一新興的腦部造影技術¬¬¬,近紅外光譜儀(Near-infrared spectroscopy,NIRS) 也逐漸受到許多研究團隊的重視,此項技術不但價格比MRI低廉許多,安全性高,且儀器易於攜帶,可運用於更多用途。 本研究運用近紅外光譜儀技術,分別對16位腦中風單側偏癱病人和12位正常人進行大腦運動區的實驗,實驗過程中藉由受試者進行左手與右手的大力(最大握力的百分之七十)和小力(最大握力的百分之三十)的握拳動作,分別量測四個實驗在正常人和中風病人的大腦運動區對於近紅外光譜儀的反應,進而進行分析比對。研究結果顯示大小力會影響大腦運動區的血氧變化趨勢,正常人與中風病人在進行握力動作時腦部血氧變化也有不同,也發現到復健期長短對於血氧變化有一定程度的影響。 本研究的成果顯示,近紅外光譜儀技術不同於傳統MRI的血氧濃度相依對比(Blood oxygen-level dependent, BOLD)訊號,可以得到帶氧血濃度(Oxygen hemoglobin concentration)與總血流量(total hemoglobin concentration)的資訊,將有助於研究中風患者腦部區域腦血流的反應,得到腦部功能的客觀指標,並與復健的程度進行關聯。


Following the developments of modern medical technologies, the researches of the brain images, such as Electroencephalography (EEG), Magnetoencephalography (MEG), Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), etc., become popular issues in academic studies. Especially, in recent years, one emerging technology, called Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), has drawn great attentions by several research groups nowadays. This technology is not only cheaper than MRI but also much safer. Moreover, NIRS equipment is portable, so that it can be used in many applications. In this study, we recruited 16 stroke patients and 12 normal people to participate in this experiments. All participants were asked to perform two grip tasks with different force levels (one was set at 30% of maximum grip force and the other was set at 70% of maximum grip force) for each hand. Subject’s NIRS signals (NIRScout, NIRx Co., Germany) in his/her left and right motor cortexes were measured during the performing of each grip task. Our experiment results showed that different force levels can cause different blood flow responses in motor cortexes. Compared normal subjects to stroke patients, NIRS responses in the motor cortex were different as well. In addition, the duration of rehabilitation period also plays a role in the measured NIRS responses. The NIRS technology is different from the information provided by traditional MRI BOLD (Blood oxygen-level dependent) signals. NIRS technology can obtain the additional information of the oxygen hemoglobin concentration and total hemoglobin concentration. The NIRS provided information will be helpful to study the regional brain responses in motor tasks. The obtained information can be used to construct objective index for evaluating brain functions and link to the recovery progress of patient rehabilitation.


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