

本文企圖探討瘂弦歷時久遠的文學編輯,希望能夠凸顯瘂弦文學編輯價值。編輯是現代國家文化積澱重要的一環,它通過國家機器意識型態的運作,根據國家機器的性質,而能產生不同的文化內容,傳播於文化場域中。編輯於現代社會中之所以影響深遠,主要原因乃是印刷術的進展,機械複製的時代裡,一項言說能夠被大量地被製造,經無償或廉價銷售的方式,產生巨大的影響力。瘂弦是戰後渡臺一代,既是一位傳奇詩人,更是一位舉足輕重的編輯家,他在台灣的文學編輯歷程,恰恰穿越了臺灣1950 年代到1990 年代,《創世紀》是他與張默、洛夫合作編輯的刊物,《幼獅文藝》與《聯合報‧副刊》則是瘂弦主編,此三份刊物在臺灣文學發展史中,皆有無可取代的文學價值,影響臺灣文化場域極為深遠,它們正可對應臺灣戰後自反共文學、現代文學、鄉土文學到解嚴後的臺灣文學發展。 根據本文的探討,瘂弦因對新詩的熱愛,為新詩傳播,編輯許多與新詩相關的出版品。他對臺灣新詩的貢獻,在於史料的編輯與典範編輯,前者是編輯因政治而禁絕的詩人及其詩作,更運用編輯權力,使其能夠傳播流通於臺灣;後者則是瘂弦守門下的典範編輯,為臺灣文化場域推薦優秀詩篇。以新詩的傳播來說,因為瘂弦的主編文藝雜誌與報紙副刊的關係,獲得了更多的傳播空間。若以文藝雜誌而言,瘂弦對機關刊物出身的《幼獅文藝》貢獻甚多,首先,他不只讓幼獅的視野更開擴,更讓幼獅的文學傳播,走出機關刊物格局,讓現代主義、鄉土文學、海外文音,同時交織於《幼獅文藝》中。瘂弦在承繼朱橋的編輯下,讓現代主義能在《幼獅文藝》中大放異彩。至於鄉土文學,瘂弦的編輯,相較狹義的鄉土文學主張,瘂弦於幼獅中採取的是包容、尊重各自鄉土認知的差異,同時編輯了中國鄉土與臺灣鄉土的文學內容。 報紙副刊,是瘂弦文學編輯影響臺灣最深的出版品。瘂弦接編聯副時正逢鄉土文學論戰及日漸走向後現代社會情境的臺灣。關於鄉土文學論戰的處理,瘂弦一方面達成聯合報的立場,另一方面則自己的主編權力下,編輯出超越聯合報立場的鄉土文學內容。更重要的是,瘂弦接編聯副後,所展現的編輯技藝,在傳統與新變相輔相承的統合下,在後現代情境中,為聯副編輯出文化中國為內涵的文學內容。


瘂弦 編輯行為 創世紀 幼獅文藝 聯副


This paper attempts to explore the Ya Xian lasted long literary editor, hoping to highlight the value of Ya Xian literary editor. Editing is an important part of the modern national cultural heritage, its ideology through the operation of the state machine, depending on the nature of the state apparatus, and can produce different cultural content, cultural dissemination in the Field. Editing reason influential inmodern society, but the main reason for the progress of printing, the era of mechanical reproduction, the discussion can be a lot to be manufactured, sold mining free or cheap way to have a huge influence. Ya Xian was Discrete of postwar generation, both a legendary poet, he is also an important editor. He edited Publications Including to " Genesis poetry Magazine " " Youth literary " and " the Supplements of United Daily News" of edited period during 1950s to the 1990s in Taiwan. The literary editor items often reflects of the literary editor taste, cleanup edit history of Ya Xian, is showing us the perspective from outside the poetic creation,to mining Ya Xian's literary concept, he experienced anti-communist literature, modern literature, local literature, post-modern literature etc. He served as poetry editor of Genesis, Literary journal editor of the China Youth Corps System, Two Daily News main editor, Cultural editor who he really is among the effects of the core. He edited the literary contents are fluctuations in the development of Taiwan's cultural Field. According to the article, the editor years of Ya Xian can be divided into infancy stage, mature stage and the impact stage. In the infancy stage, we can see Ya Xian who reflects by anti-communist and modern literature. The most important outcome of this period is to be a model of modern poetry editor, and Genesis was into poetry top. The mature stage was in the "Youth literary" edited period. He followed zhu qiao’s editor, edited lot of modernist literature in Youth literary, and edited international literary, local literature, hoped that can have more influence. the impact stage is the Supplements of United Daily News period. Ya Xian edited by editors planning to show his postmodern thinking, bring diverse post-modern literary landscape in Supplements of United Daily News.



